Ceropegia linearis subsp. Woodii
String Of Hearts
Mid Autumn 2020
- 2
Early Summer 2020
- 7
Early Summer 2020
- 2
Late Spring 2020
- 1
Late Spring 2020
- 3

Ceropegia linearis subsp. Woodii
Mid Autumn 2020
Early Summer 2020

Finally cut my string of hearts(a little). Hoping to trade them once they're rooted, but idk what I want. What's a fair trade for string of hearts cuttings? Idk the plant levels yet. I'm learning. 😂 #stringofhearts #ceropegiawoodii #cuttings

Love that pitcher

Wish you lived closer, I'd be up for a swaps!

@shawnasea I found it at Michael's! ☺️

@missbrown How far are you from Alabama? I've done trades to California that turned out well, but maybe I've just been lucky. 😅

@savannahssucculentgarden I'm about 4000 miles away 😂 from the UK 🇬🇧 such a shame, I don't think they'd like a long haul flight 😭

Can't keep this things live and going at all.
Early Summer 2020

About ready to trim my string of hearts. It's falling all over my hoyas. #stringofhearts #ceropegiawoodii #trailing #houseplant

I’m happy to liberate any cuttings you want to share.
Late Spring 2020

Cordula is blooming profusely! #ceropegiawoodii #stringofhearts #chainofhearts #blooming #flowering #houseplant
Late Spring 2020

A plant dream came true! #chainofhearts #stringofhearts #ceropegiawoodii #trailing #houseplant #newplant

Pretty 😍
Cute 💚
My poor baby, Cordula!💕 I hung her in the shower to drain, wrapped and rewrapped her vines so they wouldn't rest on the wet tub floor, and forgot her there for 3 days!🥺 No sun at all. I'm so sorry, Cordula. #stringofhearts #ceropegiawoodii #trailing #houseplant #cordula #chainofhearts
At this time year a plant of this sort should be called "COUNT Cordula."