Clematis Montana 'Elizabeth'
Clematis Montana 'Elizabeth'
- Late Spring 2023
- 22
- 8
- Late Spring 2022
- 33
- 1
- Mid Spring 2022
- 40
- 7
- Late Spring 2021
- 37
- 11
- Late Spring 2020
- 35
- 10
- Early Summer 2019
- 31
- 5
- Mid Spring 2019
- 69
- 24
- Mid Spring 2019
- 51
- 6
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 45
- 7
- Late Spring 2018
- 81
- 32
- Late Spring 2018
- 48
- 1
- Late Spring 2017
- 20
- 8
- Late Spring 2017
- 14
- 17
- Late Spring 2017
- 26
- 6
- Mid Spring 2017
- 25
- 1
- Mid Spring 2017
- 41
- 13
- Mid Spring 2017
- 36
- 21
Clematis Montana 'Elizabeth'
- Late Spring 2023
- 22
- Late Spring 2022
- 33
Every year I think I’ve over done it then, a month later, I wish I’d taken off more… #pruning #clematis-montana ✂️✂️✂️ #beforeandafter
- Mid Spring 2022
- 40
Just a small section of the magnificent #clematis-montana Love the scent of sugared almonds 🥰
Beautiful. My neighbour had one in front garden which grew over my side which I didn't mind at all, but they dug it up for some reason. I've put a climbing rose over my side now as it looked rather bare.
Wow 🌸🌸🌸
Fabulous 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
What a shame. Neighbours should be more considerate don’t you think?! 😊 @anniew7
Thanks Jane. I do love this time of year 💗
It’s not bad is it Elaine 💕@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
- Late Spring 2021
- 37
I’m sure I post this every year... #clematismontana I wish you could smell the delicate almond perfume #smell-o-vision 💕
It looks magnificent Jacqueline 😍😍😍
Thank you 😊 I wish you could smell it @pelly
Wow that's spectacular💗
I do love a Montana (that’s why I’ve got 4) 😏👌🏼🌸🌸🌸
Thank you Celina 😊 @cee
They are wonderful aren’t they 🌸🌸🌸@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
They are I needed something for the pergola and they’re fabulous...
Both my Montana were badly frosted, but Marjorie is putting new flowers out now, but much smaller Jacqueline @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Oh that’s a shame Joan...I’ve got Marjorie too and she’s doing ok.. just beginning to flower...they’re fairly hardy I’m sure they’ll be back...
Yes that is a shame. Mine is very protected on a NW facing wall and with our neighbour’s house to the SW so it has never been frosted. I’m sure it will recover though @joanboston
- Late Spring 2020
- 35
Every year I think, have I overdone it and every year I get away with it 🤞 #pruning-clematis #clematis-montana
Mine is getting a total cut back when the blackbird fledges!
You’re a brave woman ....🤭😆
I made sure there weren’t any babies - a couple of little nests but both empty. I think the blackbirds prefer the pyracantha 🙄😂 @joanboston
Am I? 🤔🤨 I’m worried now! @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
I started ours and a blackie flew out at me!
I hope you weren’t up a ladder 😱 @joanboston
If it’s worked for you in the past then there’s no reason for it not to work again...👍🏼
If I didn’t prune it we wouldn’t be able to get out the house 😉😂 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
When we moved here seven years ago the Montana was pulling down a wooden arch. I cut it a foot off the ground and replanted it up against a fence. It resprouted and needs a good chop back again! @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
- Early Summer 2019
- 31
29 Jun 2019 • Decided to try to deal with this more efficiently this year - with shears... Now waiting to see which bits wilt because I’ve cut through the stem 😕
Whoops 🙄😱
That’s how I have to deal with my’s so rampant it would take me forever stem by stem!
I can’t believe that’s what I’ve done previously... 🤷♀️ @rachelbrooks
🙈 I bet it will be absolutely fine 👍🏼😘
- Mid Spring 2019
- 69
10 May 2019 • Even on a cold, dark, wet day #clematismontana looks and smells fabulous 🌸🌸🌸
Wow that's spectacular 😍😍
It's amazing Jacqueline 😍
Thanks Keely. If you have the space to let it flourish, it will! @Keely
Thank you Sarah. It definitely brightens the place up a bit! @sieveheadsarah
😍🤗 that's fab
Wow 😲 that’s spectacular Jacqueline it never fails does it....🌸🌸🌸🌸
Wow. Wow. Wow. 🌸💕🌸
Oh My! That is spectacular😍
Just stunning!
Oh my, that is special 🌼🌼 I'm thinking of having one of these on my front garden fence.
Absolutely gorgeous 💕
- Mid Spring 2019
- 51
29 Apr 2019 • We’ve only been away for 4 days but there’s obviously been lots of rain and now sunshine and I can hear the garden growing! None of these were out when we left, now they are all ready to just spring open. I can’t wait, the perfume is wonderful 🌸🌸🌸
What a lovely welcome home and such a beautiful photo 🌸💕 #bestofapril Does she smell as good as me though? 🤔😉🙊🤣😘
Thank you and it was and no, of course not 😘
Such a beauty. Great photo 💖
Thanks Sue 😊 @suerichards
- Mid Autumn 2018
- 45
23 Oct 18 • Just spotted this. Not really #stillgoingstrong more #atitagain 😉
Beautiful 😍😍
Pretty pretty 🌸💕🌸
Exquisite 👌🏼
It is lovely on its own isn’t it. In spring there are so many you don’t really look at the detail 🌸 @pelly
Very very 💕🌸💕 @rachelbrooks
Thanks Elaine 😘 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
- Late Spring 2018
- 81
22 May 2018 • #clematis-montana in all its glory 🌸💕🌸
WOW what a spectacular sight
That is stupendous!! 🌸💕🌸
That looks amazing!!!
Wow 😍😍
Oh my gosh! It's beautiful
Oh my goodness, that's sublime and certainly very different from when I last saw it 💕💕
- Late Spring 2018
- 48
21 May 2018 • So what does Clematis Montana smell of? I think it’s sugared almonds, OH insists it’s vanilla 🤔 🌸🌸🌸
- Late Spring 2017
- 20
A prettier view of the C. montana...
I love Clematis seed heads! They're all so different and fascinating 💚
They are amazing aren't they? And this is just your common or garden (what a strange expression😉😊!) montana @rachelbrooks
It's a very strange expression! 😂 I've often thought that! A lot of sayings are very odd, but I do like to find out the etymology of these things! I'm off to google it..! 👍🏼😂
....🤔 @rachelbrooks
I'm back! Common as in a public open space and used in conjunction with garden to denote that it is not a specifically bred/grown plant! We can sleep now! Well...if it wasn't so hot! 😆
Thanks Rachel, we can! How interesting. 😃 I hope it cools down for you. It's bearable up here @rachelbrooks
It feels a lot cooler tonight! Although I haven't been upstairs yet...😬
- Late Spring 2017
- 14
It is the annual taming of the beast...
😂😂 You make me laugh
It really is a bit of a beast Jayne. Honest! 😂😂 @jaynehynesburton
Hope you had your shredded wheat this morning?! 😆
Did you do that in this heat Jacqueline? 🤔🤔🤔
🤣🤣 they do get bit lairy don't they !!
😂 I had a boiled egg, but survived the encounter @rachelbrooks
I did Jane, but only until the sun came round to that side of the house 😎 @pelly
Lairy. What a great word. Yes, definitely need scalping! @juliesgarden
Well you remember the old egg campaign slogan...go to work on an egg! 👍🏼
- Late Spring 2017
- 26
The view from my desk...I think I might need to prune my clematis 😉
😂😂 I'm sorry Laura but even this view doesn't keep me there (though it probably should) 😉
And I'd love the view you have from your kitchen sink - the other place I spend too much of my time 😂😂 @Jasonsparkes1
Too right! Hope your sink view survived the weather alright though @jasonsparkes1
Green is conducive to brain activity so it's perfect 👌🏼👍🏼💚
Perhaps...but it's the white computer screen in front I'm supposed to be looking at 😂 @rachelbrooks
- Mid Spring 2017
- 25
...and a bit more 🌸🌸🌸
- Mid Spring 2017
- 41
#fragrantfriday #almondscented ...and completely unaffected by the frost Rachel @rachelbrooks
Absolutely beautiful Jacqueline 😍😍😍
Thank you Jane 😊😊 It is coming out of the ground under the balcony stairs then goes up. And up. I have to stop it going onto the roof - though I suppose it would insulate it well 😂😂 @pelly
Stunning 😍😍😍
Thanks Julie 😊😊 @juliesgarden
Brilliant Jacqueline! So pleased it survived! 👍🏼👏🏼 and it is indeed spectacular! 👌🏼🌸💗
Thanks Rachel. Although the scent is subtle it is another that needs #smell-o-vision It smells like those Italian sugared almonds 🌸🌸 @rachelbrooks
Thanks Suzy. It must have taken a few years. I remember my first attempt with a small one failed as it kept getting eaten by slugs. 2nd time round I bought a more mature plant, so it was a little woody and less tasty and it romped away. Now the job is to keep it under control... @suzyw
Ooooo..... so excited I bought this variety! Stunning!
Wow! Thanks Suzanne 😊😊😊 @suzyw
It can't fail to be stunning Elisa 🌸🌸@riakat
Thank you! It is a wonderful plant 🌿🌸🌿 @gjones
- Mid Spring 2017
- 36
I reckon one more day and the air will be full of the scent of almonds...unless it snows of course.
😂😂 I recently planted this since I read it was a vigorous grower....I'd say your photo proves that! I can't wait for my Elizabeth to take off and grow. 😃
Look forward to seeing this in full bloom 🌸🌸🌸🌸
Wow that's fab 😍😍
@gjones It really will & the scent is gorgeous. Fingers crossed the forecast is wrong!
@riakat Yes I think you can certainly say this one is vigorous Elisa 😂This is 1st floor level - it is growing out of the ground under a wooden balcony. I cut it back hard after it flowers & do have to stop it growing into the gutters - but it's worth it 🌸
@jacq1075 Dont worry Jacqueline, there will be photos 😂🌸😂🌸
@suzyw No me neither. Though it has been much better than the forecast so at least it's been in our favour. Thanks Suzanne 😁
@juliesgarden Thanks Julie. Can't wait for it to flower 🌸🌸🌸
It's snowing 😟@gjones @suzyw
@suzyw Not in the garden but there are hills I can see from the kitchen that have gone white ❄️ ❄️ ❄️ 😱
@suzyw No weather is bikini weather for me 😱😉😂
Every year I wonder if I’ve overdone it and every year I get away with it 🤞 #clematis-montana #pruning-clematis-montana
It’s looking great 🌸👍
Now I’ve just got to deal with all the prunings but it’s just too hot 🥵 @italydiva
Wow 😯 so beautiful 😍
It was Christine. It’s now looking a little bald! 😂 @vegandmore
Definitely too hot! Tomorrow’s another day, those prunings are going nowhere 😉
I like your style Angela! 😂 @italydiva
I know the feeling only one of mine got me on a bad day and ended up on the compost heap……😣