Clivia miniata
Clivia (Species) Clivia miniata
Late Winter 2025
- 8
Early Summer 2023
- 6
Late Winter 2019
- 14
Mid Winter 2019
- 8
Late Spring 2017
- 16
Late Winter 2017
- 4

Clivia miniata
Late Winter 2025
Early Summer 2023

🤔 I had thought that this #clivia that I have had for 20+ years was beginning to split but today realised it wasn’t and instead the outer leaves were dying. When I pressed on the soil it sank…because it has hardly any roots 😢 I’ve repotted it…🤞🤞🤞


Lots of tlc

The clivia says thank you @brightcolours @columbiariver @joannie.a 😊

They like to be quite dry in the summer

Just as well Joan since it doesn’t have many roots at the moment 🤦♀️😂 @joanboston
Late Winter 2019

6 Mar 2019 • Too wet for a dressing-gown wander, or even a house-coat wander, so here is one of my favourite #houseplants instead. Even when it isn’t in flower it looks wonderful 💚🧡#cliviaminiata

Fabulous , any tips to get it to reflower Jacqueline?

Lovely. A friend gave me a piece from on of hers. It’s putting up new leaves so I’m hoping it’s going to flower soon🙏🤞

🤔 I think probably the main thing is they need a winter rest: a cool room and not much water and I don’t feed it until the flower spike appears #clivia-advice @juliesgarden

A lovely gift Joan. Mine was a gift too. It doesn’t grow that quickly but I have managed to give a piece as a gift a couple of times over the years @joanboston

Mine was a piece of my friends too , thanks I’ll do that 👍🏻👍🏻

Hope it does well for you Julie. I love the foliage too 💚 @juliesgarden


Oh I’m with you on this Jacqui, totally wonderful plant!

Mines not going to flower this year sadly so will have to enjoy yours😊

Glad you agree Val 😊 @valjones-hughes

You’re very welcome to Carol. Have you been too kind to yours? 😉😂 @carolgs
Mid Winter 2019

8 Feb 2019 • Ooh! It’s all go amongst the #houseplant clan. Look what I’ve spotted 💚

Ooo I'll check mine 😊

No such luck on mine😞

Aw, what a shame. Give it time 🕰 @carolgs

It's an old plant (I got it in 1998 and yes it's still alive its been on the cusp of death many times!! 😱) and seems to only flower every 2-3 years

🤔 I was given mine in the late 90’s too. I think I remember reading somewhere that they like a winter rest - cool room, no food, little water - which is easy as we have a room that faces north and rarely warms up! @carolgs

Mines in a North facing bathroom and has the fish tank water about once a month, if I remember!! 😂 😂

#clivia #cliviaminiata #clivia-advice
Late Spring 2017

I was thrilled to see clivia featuring on #gardenersworld the other night. They are a fabulous houseplant in the U.K. I don't know what I have done to deserve it, but mine is having a second flush of flowers 😊😊😊

Lovely 😊

They are fabulous Jayne. Do you have one? @jaynehynesburton

No but I may look into that 😉

Mine also had second flush started in march and blooming now

You won't be disappointed Jayne 👍🏻😊 @jaynehynesburton

I don't remember mine ever doing it before but I split it and gave half to a friend after it flowered in March, so I reckon it must be good karma Terry! @moore.794

I've had mine for over 20 years has been split so many times it's the only house plant that I actually haven't totally killed its been close several times though!! @awomanonabike

They're brilliant aren't they Carol? I've only 😉 had mine for about 15 years, when it was given to me by someone who was splitting theirs. I love it when it's not in flower too 💚 @carolgs

There is a picture of mine at the begining of mu profile @awomanonabike

Your profile is private @Moore.794 ...

Did. Not know that
Late Winter 2017

This a #houseplant that I would love to see growing in the wild.

Thank you both😊. It's such an attractive plant isn't it. I love the pattern the leaves make on the side 💚 @gjones @columbiariver

I was so pleased to see all the buds as it did have a small flower a few weeks ago and I thought that was going to be it for this year but it was just a false start 😊😊😊 Hmm, doesn't it just?! ☀️☀️☀️ @columbiariver
A welcome sight as it hasn’t flowered for a couple of years 🧡
My two are all leaves! 🤷🏼♀️
Beautiful 🧡
@jacaranda is mine Barbara 🤨
Mine put up just one flower stalk every year @jacaranda @juliesgarden
@jacaranda that’s been mine for the last couple of years. No idea why it didn’t flower nor why it’s decided to do so now!!
Thanks @juliesgarden 😊
Beautiful 🤩