Clivia miniata
Clivia (Species) Clivia miniata
Late Spring 2020
- 10
Late Autumn 2019
- 3
Mid Autumn 2019
- 6
Mid Autumn 2019
- 3
Early Autumn 2019
- 14
Mid Summer 2019
- 9
Early Summer 2019
- 3
Mid Autumn 2018
- 3
Late Winter 2018
- 4
Mid Winter 2018
- 5
Early Winter 2018
- 5

Clivia miniata
Late Spring 2020
Late Autumn 2019

The clivia has been stunning again this time around. #clivia #natallily


Mid Autumn 2019

Here she is, my favourite houseplant. Shhh! Don’t tell the others! #clivia #netallily

That's such a fabulous colour Val 🏵🏵

She's a beauty! #clivia #houseplant 🧡

Gorgeous 🧡💚🧡

What a great houseplant 😊😊❤❤

Gorgeous 🧡
Mid Autumn 2019

I get so excited watching this bud developing #anticipation #clivia #natallily #bushlily

Wonderful Val ..mine still not !! 😂

Repotted this one this summer Julie, hoping it will throw out more shoots. My baby Serling has grown by erm millimetres 😂 @juliesgarden
Early Autumn 2019

Today I brought my clivia in for the winter. More seeds have developed this year than last - and- there’s a bud! (Can’t wait, love the flowers). Here’s last years seed - the slowest growing seed ever. Planted it around Christmas time when it looked nice and ripe. It didn’t germinate until June, I nearly threw it away. It’s about half an inch high now and still has only one leaf. It had better survive! #clivia #natallily

Good luck 😉

I love my clivia had it for 23 years its not looking it's best at the moment

Never heard of a clivia. Is it a bulb like an amaryllis?? #IKnownothing

Ooh how exciting! I love mine too Carol though don’t put it outside. Maybe I should 🤔 @carolgs

@charlotte I’ve tagged you in a couple of pics of mine. Not a bulb, it has fleshy roots. Beautiful plant, love the foliage and the flower is lovely.

I only put mine outside for the summer Jacqui, in the shade by my front door, it seems to love it there. @awomanonabike

That’s a shame Carol, but I guess that’s a good innings! If all those seeds ripen are you interested it giving a long slow germination a try? @carolgs

Mine sits in the shade of my living room window 😉

Oh I see now. That's a lovely flower

Yes definitely 👍🏻

Yes please
Mid Summer 2019

So this happened! Back last autumn after flowering my clivia had one seed and I decided to plant it. In the I took it to Spain for a while and I brought it back. I’ve been close to dumping it numerous times but when I looked at it today .... 10 months germinating! #germination #clivia #natallily #longwait #houseplantsjoho

Can’t get mine to flower for nothing Val 😬!!

What a shame Julie, they are so beautiful. Mine gets moved around through the year. In the hall in the winter, in the porch where it’s cooler when it’s flowering and now it’s outside in a sheltered spot. Seems to work, flowers beautifully twice a year. @juliesgarden

Just looked back at the posts @jeatacake seems to be happening!

Maybe I’ll put it outside then 👍🏻

Wow! Fantastic Val. Well done 👌 I'm on my 2nd attempt from seeds earlier this year, but no sign of germination yet, but it seems that patience will be needed!

It seems so Jeff, I don’t know what stopped me getting rid of it but I’m so glad I didn’t! @jeatacake

Mine doesn’t really get any direct sun Julie, not sure if it makes any difference, just going by the leaf colour etc but thought I’d let you know @juliesgarden

Ahh thanks Val , I’ll try that , might be too much light 👍🏻👍🏻
Early Summer 2019

Was away when this lovely flowered earlier in the year so I’m pretty pleased it’s come around again #clivia #natallily #houseplant #houseplantsjoho

Love this one 🧡🧡🧡

Mid Autumn 2018

Hoping I can ripen this seed pod and propagate this from seed #houseplant #clivia #natallily #propagation #seedpod #indoorplants #houseplantsjoho

Mine has these seed pods too. Last year I tried to grow them, without success though. Will try this next lot though & try them in a heated propogator in spring 👍

Thanks for the tip Jeff @jeatacake.
Late Winter 2018

A real star, 2nd year of flowering and this year came into flower at the end of December #houseplant #clivia #natallily #houseplantsjoho

Gorgeous flowers Val 💛❤️💛❤️

That's so pretty😍

Mid Winter 2018

A great long-flowering house plant, been in flower since early January #clivia #natallily #brushlily #houseplantsjoho

Lovely 😊

That’s stunning Val 😍😍

Oh wow that’s fab🧡🧡

That beautiful I haven't seen these in the garden centre 😊
Early Winter 2018

#cliviaminiata #stamens #upclose #olloclip #houseplantsjoho

Superb photo Val 😍😍

Thank you Jane, getting some practise in with my new lense😉

Gorgeous. Makes me think mine should be thinking of flowering soon. Will have to check...

I was surprised to get home on Friday to find it flowering, there wasn’t a sign of a bud when I went away the previous week!
It’s blowing a hoolie out there but there’s a little look of tropical paradise outside my door #clivia
Blowing a bookie here too but that looks fantastic ❤️🧡
Beautiful flower 🧡❤
Thank you Jacqui and Mark @awomanonabike @solly1961
Bookie?! That’s a new one on me. Hoolie, damn autocorrect, hoolie! 💨💨💨
😂🤣😂it’s a good job we all have the occasional auto cracker Jacqui, I might have been puzzling for ages 🤣 @awomanonabike
How’s your Clivia doing this year, Val? I’m thinking of getting one so I’m doing as much research as I can prior to taking the plunge! Thanks in advance for any help you can give me 😘
Sorry if you got three notifications! My iPad doesn’t like the word CLIVIA and kept trying to change it 🤣🤣😘
It’s been amazing, it flowered in May and October and again at Christmas, it still has flowers now and one lot of lovely bright red seed pods. It’s got very big and will need splitting when these flowers finish!
Thanks Val. You’ve convinced me to take the plunge!!! 😘