Early Summer 2021
Mid Spring 2019

30 Apr 2019 • When 6 #erysimum seedlings arrived from Jerseyplantsdirect a year ago I wasn’t expecting them to survive, as they had been so poorly packaged and were really shaken up. I couldn’t tell which was which, so... this is either E. ‘Gogh’s gold’, ‘Monet’s moment’ or ‘Paintbox’ 🤔 Might be easier to tell when the others flower. Think I might be taking some cuttings though 💜

Beautiful colours, are they easy to take cuttings from? @awomanonabike

Yes Melanie, it’s usually very easy. The difficult bit is getting a shoot that doesn’t have a flower bud on the end! If you look in the GT encyclopaedia there is a description of how to do it 👍 @mellybobs

Gawjus it looks very much like paintbox as I've always wanted that one gawjus colours

Thanks Keely. I had no idea there were so many different ones out there! Just a shame they have a habit of flowering themselves to death 😢 @Keely
I’m not sure which variety of #erysimum these are (I think they are The Artist Series) but they are looking the best they have ever looked and I’ve had them for several years 💜🧡💛
The colours are beautiful 🌈🌈🌈
They’re lovely aren’t they Jane 😊@pelly
They’re such a great plant…they flower for months on end and can last for years
They are great value aren’t they. They don’t ask for much and give loads in return 👌 @belindah
Beautiful colours 😍
Aren’t they wonderful 💐 @loveofplants
@awomanonabike what a nice combination !!
Thank you 😊 @jorgediego