Euphorbia cyparissias 'Fen's Ruby'
Cypress Spurge 'Fen's Ruby'
Mid Spring 2019
- 13
Mid Spring 2017
- 7

Euphorbia cyparissias 'Fen's Ruby'
Mid Spring 2019
Mid Spring 2017

This may be very pretty but, be warned, it is incredibly badly behaved. This started life in a pot to keep it in check but it jumped out and is now Cypress Scourge...

Whoops 😂😂😂

#thug #euphorbia #cypressspurge #selfseed #weedy

😂😂 Did you know "thug spree" is an anagram of "the spurge"? Sorry, I'll go now... @suzyw @brightcolours

You can't help but love it though! 💛💚💚

I'm impressed! Love cryptic crosswords?

Be afraid Rachel. Be very afraid 😳 😂😂 @rachelbrooks
18 May 2019 • My love-hate relationship with this moved further to the love today when I realised that it was the source of the wonderful scent. Though this makes me wonder if I have the plantid correct as I haven’t read anything about this variety being scented. Can anyone help? It smells of honey 😊
Just found some info here that suggests fen’s ruby is fragrant. Funny how I’ve never noticed it before 🤷♀️
I love it! So zingy! And maybe this year is just a good vintage 👃🏼🍷 I love some of the common names listed in the article! 😆
I'm glad it's got lovely scent. I keep walking past euphorbia purpurea on my way to work and it has awful scent, very pungent. 😷 Only noticed because they planted a whole drift atop a high retaining wall 😅
I have walked past the Euphorbia/Spurge in nurseries too, until seeing GT pics. Now that these blossoms have bewitched me, have to wait until Spring (Sept) until they come back into the nurseries. Perfume too, a bonus. 🐝🦋 Few wierd common names on that web link. 😯😎
You could make a very funny story from those common names Jacqueline 😂🤣😅
It’s just that it needs to be contained and even then it pops up in the cracks between the paving, but you’re right, it is a fab colour and the names are wonderful 😬 @rachelbrooks
Oh what a shame. I didn’t realise it was ‘scented’ either @ublaszko
The perennials make fantastic garden plants and there are so many...but choose carefully, some can be a bit thuggish and try to take over. Yes, you wonder where some of those names come from 🧐😏😂 @Annettenoosa
I think it might be a bit rude Jane 😬😂🤣 @pelly
Thank you for the 'thug' warning. A search revealed some varieties of Spurge on various State invasive weed lists. There does not seem to be the choice of varieties available in Oz as I see on GT. The only one I have seen here is 'Ascot Rainbow' which is not on any of weed lists for Oz. 🌼🙃