Hosta fortunei var. albopicta syn. Hosta 'Aureomaculata' (fortunei), Hosta 'Picta' (fortunei)
Plantain Lily (Species) White Painted Plantain Lily
Late Spring 2021
- 15
Late Spring 2017
- 5

Hosta fortunei var. albopicta syn. Hosta 'Aureomaculata' (fortunei), Hosta 'Picta' (fortunei)
Late Spring 2021
Late Spring 2017

I had never noticed before how yellow the leaves of this #hosta are when they're young. These photos were taken 2 weeks apart. As usual, GT is making me really look at my plants. Loving it 😍

It's amazing. Wouldn't have noticed before GTs. I was amazed at how much my Iceplant changed last year Jacqueline 😊

There are lots of lovely things about GT but the way it makes me actually look, really look, at my plants, has to be one of the best 😊😊 @susanhumphrey333

Totally agree with you Jaqueline, definitely seeing my plants through new eyes now 😀

I feel a little ashamed at how much I must have been missing Mo 😉😊@mojo
I haven’t quite run out of hostas for day 5 of the #hostachallenge and as long as I can post this one more than once I’ll be fine for a few days to come as, no matter how often I divide this one, it never seems to get any smaller and I now have it all over the garden 💚
It even has tulip like flowers, very impressive (sorry I couldn't resist that 🙄)
😂 Took me a moment ... 🤣 @pelly
Yes Jacqueline that’s quite imposing 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
It’s lovely, Jacqueline 💚 So lush and healthy 💚
Thanks Elaine. It’s not as imposing as it looks. I was just about on my belly for this one 🙄😂🤣 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Thanks Barbara. So far, so good... 😊@jacaranda
Wow 😯
😂 @vegandmore
@awomanonabike Oh you’d make a good estate agent then.....😉😆
😂 How did you know?! 😉🤣 @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom
Really..!! 😲