Laurus Nobilis
Bay Tree
Late Summer 2023
- 3
Late Summer 2021
- 5
Late Summer 2020
- 15
Mid Summer 2018
- 17
Late Summer 2017
- 4
Late Summer 2017
- 3
Late Summer 2017
- 5

Laurus Nobilis
Late Summer 2023
Late Summer 2021

“Something for the weekend sir?” 😉 #baytree

Very nice job Jacqueline 👍🏼

🤭😄💈✂️ 👍🏼

Thanks Sarah. I always think I’ve over done it but it is always massive again a year later 🙄 @sieveheadsarah

It always surprises me how much things grow back in a year Jacqueline 🤨
Late Summer 2020

This has to be the most aromatic job to do in the garden. Not only the pruning but clearing up the leaves from amongst all the other #herbs in the #herb-bed 😍

Will you come and do mine, Jacqueline? It’s seriously out of control! 😱 I’ll post a photo 😂😘

Lovely neat shape, good work 💚💚

That trimming made it beautiful 👌

Excellent job!!!

#beforeandafter #baytree #pruning #laurus

Granted, bay does smell good but even better is the Australian lemon myrtle! It has a sharp citrus fragrance to die for.

Wonderful job. 🤗

With pleasure Barbara. Get the kettle on! @jacaranda

Thank you Chris 😊 @midnightgardener

Thanks BK, it makes all the difference doesn’t it 😊 @bks

Thanks Katie. Shame GardenTags still don’t do #scratchnsniff 🙄😂 Sounds good though @brightcolours
Mid Summer 2018

26 Jul 2018 • It’s been haircut day ✂️ 🍃🍃🍃 but it took longer to tidy up the trimmings than it took to do the haircut 🙄

That looks great! I really need to prune mine but it’s ginormous!!! @awomanonabike

Mine is now a bit smaller 😉 @jacaranda

Love trimming. Hate tidying up. I use old net curtains to catch the trimmings, where there's enough room to lay them down. It's easy to gather the nets up and shake them in the bin #tip They're light enough to lay on the top of some plants too 👍☺️

👍 I did have a sheet but there were lots of dead bay leaves lying around so I thought they’d need tidying up anyway & didn’t use it. Mistake! 🙄 @susanhumphrey333

Sometimes I just can't be bothered to get them out and always regret it 🙄

I still have a holly and lonicera to do and will definitely get the sheets out! @susanhumphrey333

I’ve only done two out of my 6 balls and haven’t even attempted the hedge! 🙈

6 balls?! You must be an expert 🧐 I’m trying to work out how to create balls out of one lonicera at the bottom of a tree and another behind the arch 🤔 Might just have to start chopping and see what happens 😬 @rachelbrooks

Good god no! That’s why I haven’t done them...I’m a scaredy cat! 😂Although the two I’ve done look ok but they’re in tall planters so fairly easy to do and get round. The ones in the border aren’t quite so easy! Ooh that sounds interesting - never started one from scratch! I guess you’d just have to trim a bit at a time until you get the desired effect 🤔 Have a go! 👍🏼

But you have six! Well I’ll do some before and afters and you can give me marks out of 10. Though I asked OH to do that recently after a bike ride and he gave me 2-3 😡🤬 Said I’d have got 3-4 if I hadn’t stopped to take photos 🙄😂😂 @rachelbrooks

Men! 🙄 doesn’t he know that stopping every few minutes to take photos adds points! 😉
Late Summer 2017

Ta daa!

Anyone would think you were a Hairdresser 😂😂

I am - if you don't mind me doing it with shears! @jaynehynesburton
Late Summer 2017

There is no going back now...

It's gone in the shredding pile, along with some rosemary... @columbiariver

It smelled lovely as I rooted around in the sage and marjoram for all the cut bay leaves but shredding day will be tasty 😋
Late Summer 2017

Clippers ✅ ladders ✅ Mug of tea ✅ Its time to trim the Bay Tree...

Thank goodness it's tea this time and not wine Jacqueline. Health and Safety 😂😂😂

😂😂😂 White wine for the Spiraea, tea for everything else!

You said tea, oky. Lovely bay tree

#before #dontbeafraidtoprune #ladder #mug
It’s haircut time again ✂️ ✂️✂️ #bay #baytree #pruning #pruning-bay
@womanonabike beautifully shaped. Something I am hopeless at doing. You deserve first prize. 🪅🎇
Aw! Thank you ☺️ @joycemb