Magnolia stellata
Magnolia stellata
Early Spring 2023
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Early Spring 2023
- 7
Early Spring 2022
- 4
Mid Spring 2021
- 5
Early Spring 2019
- 5
Mid Spring 2018
- 13

Magnolia stellata
Early Spring 2023
Early Spring 2023

It has never had so many flowers. There were some benefits to the rain we had last summer… #magnolia-stellata

They do seem to have performed well this year

I’m so pleased Joan. This is in a pot and for the first couple of years it had hardly any flowers, then I was reminded that “it never rains in pots”, so watered it more often 😊 @joannie.a

I’ve had one of these for at least five years. 3 flowers on it this year !

Oh sorry Angie. I read somewhere (possibly here 😊) that they won’t flower well if they’ve been dry the previous summer. Perhaps that’s the problem? 🤔 @ada31514

Ah that could well be the issue.

Fingers crossed for next spring then 🤞 @ada31514
Early Spring 2022

I’m going to have flowers! Lots of flowers 💚 #magnolia-stellata

Yaaaay 🌸👍🏻

Yaaaay indeed Julie! It’s the first time since I got it that it has had more than one flower 🙄😂 @juliesgarden

Patience is a virtue as they say Jacqueline 👍🏻😂😂
Mid Spring 2021

This was taken a week ago but I need to record it for posterity. This one flower represents an infinite increase on last year 😉😍 #magnolia-stellata

Oh no what a shame Jacqueline, makes it more beautiful somehow !!

I was pleased just to get the one tbh Julie as I thought it wasn’t going to flower at all. It’s in a pot and I think maybe I didn’t water it enough last year 🤔 @juliesgarden

Ah yes they are quite thirsty plants 🪴

Probably do better in the garden, I’ve got a pink one on my front rockery which is flowering really well 🤔
Early Spring 2019

17 Apr 2019 • I’ve watched all of the magnolia blooming on here and in gardens and finally I can join the party 🎉 #magnolia-stellata

Congratulations Jacqueline. I have left the party this year as my stellata died last year after over 40 years 😭

What a shame Nicola. Was it just old age? 🤔 @jendren

Unfortunately it was a combination of putting in a raised bed which meant cutting some of its roots and the hot weather Jacqueline. Despite watering it it turned up its toes. One of those things

I had a gorgeous Rhodendren Praecox that did that. No idea why. As you say, one of those things 🤷♀️ @jendren
Mid Spring 2018

28 Apr 2018 • I seem to have a Magnolia Stellata 😬 #secondtimelucky

Beautiful 😍

Such a pure white Jacqueline @awomanonabike Beautiful 😍😘

Gorgeous 😍

Brilliant Shot


It really is that white too Suzie -no filter 😊 @jadojado29

Thank you Melanies 😉 @mellybobs @greenfinger14

You can see why I couldn’t resist Laura. We had one many years ago but sadly it died, I think largely through neglect 😟 @columbiariver

Thank you Gaurav. It is very photogenic @gauravsh6

Yup! 😉😊😊 @Denise16

So pure and perfect looking. What a gem 💎
Even when it’s dark and wet, this shines 💚🤍🖤 #magnolia-stellata
It’s a fabulous plant isn’t it. I have very stony, limey soil so am really happy it likes being in a pot @johnnyuk
Thanks, good to know, though as long as it’s happy in its pot it can stay there 🤞 @johnnyuk
They really are great