Magnolia stellata
Early Summer 2017
Early Summer 2017

Help me identify this plant - here's the close up of the tree /over grown shrub I'm trying to identify. See previous pic for full photo. In spring it was covered in fragrant white flowers.. 🤔 🤔

Don't take my word for it but it may be a #rhododendron . #plantid

Defo rhody

Looks like either a viburnum or Laurel to big are the leaves Lyndsey?

Mystery over, someone elsewhere suggested it may be a star magnolia.. Googled it and the flowers are the same as it had and the developing fruits are the same! Thank you all for your help though :) @rachelbrooks @dodehyderangea @sarahflamingo

Oh brill! Oh the flowers on those are beautiful! And this one is huge!

It is huge isn't it! According to the rhs website summer is the time to prune, I need to get it a bit more under control it's a giant!! @rachelbrooks

Yes prune now 👌🏻aren't they just lovely when in flower 😍

@nessas I moved into this house just as the flowers were falling so I'm really excited to watch the tree through the seasons for the first time :)
Can re upload now, star magnolia!! Have been trying to find out what it is since April. It was covered in fragrant white flowers, lots of help from everyone on GT so thank you :)
#magnolia #magnoliastellata
😍 love magnolias and this 1 is massive
@faerie this is the beast in my garden. I have to resist the temptation to scalp it 😂 I'm also a beginner gardener and a bit too snippy happy 😂
Oh wow! @steadysgirl7 that's a beast! I got a bit snip happy on mine earlier in the year so I hope it'll heal in time for winter 😂 there's a picture of my naked magnolia on my profile thingy lol x