Trichodiadema Densum
Late Winter 2021
Early Autumn 2020

I just found this little guy at Lowe's! I almost ordered one online once, but it was kinda pricey and I wasn't confident I wouldn't kill it. I'm still not, but this little guy was cheap, and Lowe's has a good plant guarantee. The photo is already after I washed off the old soil and replaced it with more appropriate stuff. It's got a decent little caudex forming, but I didn't want to stress it out all at once by exposing it. Fingers crossed I don't kill it! 🤞😂

I have one too. It’s been in the ground for 2 years now. I have seen it flower. It’s doing ok. When I first got it I thought it was a cactus it had no ID but when I found out it was a mesemb, I moved it to my mimicry garden. But mine is totally buried underneath and it grows that way.

@sunlovin I'm impressed it's been surviving outside! I've never had a mesemb survive the summer outdoors here. 🥵 This one's perked up a lot just since I got it, though! Seems like the soil change worked wonders. I've been keeping it indoors under a grow light for now.

That’s interesting. 🤔 I wouldn’t think our climates are that different. All my mesembs are outdoors and most of them thriving. 🤔 The only difference may be they are on mounds and get very good drainage. As for water, it’s so variable I’m not even sure how much each is getting from the drip system. It was on 2x a day for 15 minutes every day during summer which goes against all the rules. I have it cut back to 2x a week for fall. Except for the new plants which I water every day if it looks dry

@sunlovin it may be where I had mine planted. I've planted several mesembs in a bed of lava rock in my yard, and they've all done well all year, and then shriveled back and died in the summer. They were getting strong afternoon sun, plus it could be that the dark lava rock was heating up too much on the surface, even though they make good insulators. They got plenty of water.

Once I planted some cuttings in a large pot that got a bit of afternoon shade, and that did better, but still died back and looked bad in the summer. It eventually died when I forgot to water it for a few days. 🙄
Noticed I accidentally waterlogged this guy. 😭 So I un-potted and let the roots air out overnight, and repotted it shallower for more of a bonsai look. Hopefully it re-roots! 🤞🥺
That's weird they call it desert rose too...
@heatherdirtyhands yeah, I hate common names. They cause so much confusion! It's actually called "miniature desert rose," so the database has it a bit wrong.
That’s awesome, love it 😊
Cool plant 😍
@beatnikcrab it’s beautiful! I love it.
Bravo!👏👏👏That looks AWESOME! I want to try that with mine. How old is this? 🌞
Now I have to go back and get another one 😂🌞
@docthrill @sherrisgarden @cheriej @sunlovin Thank you, everyone! 😊
@sunlovin I got this the last week of Sept 2020 (swipe over to see it when I first got it), but idk how old it was when I got it. It still fits in the same tiny pot, but the crown got a lot bigger, FAST, so it couldn't have been that old when I got it. It's actually 3 plants that intertwined with each other as they grew. I debated on separating them, but decided against it for now.
Most welcome