Lactuca sativa 'Little Gem'
Lettuce 'Little Gem' (Cos/Romaine)
Late Spring 2016
- 1
Early Spring 2016
- 8

Lactuca sativa 'Little Gem'
Late Spring 2016
Early Spring 2016

Hello Christine 👋 Thank you for posting what we hope will be the first of many photos. 👏

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@bella_belle how long do lettuce seeds take to germinte?

@latebloomer so much trial and error. First year growing in a Polytunnel at the allotment. Thank you for the encouragement! Don't really know what I am doing! Lol @zylo these were up in about 7 days in the Polytunnel during a warm spell

@latebloomer thank you! Yes really enjoying it. Enjoying gardening with my kids also x

@latebloomer completely agree . loving discovering the great mindfulness benefits when both my little loves are school and I can go to the allotment and breathe lol although the hail when I was in the Polytunnel today was a bit freaky!!!

Well I have a bit of a plan lol but strawberries, lettuce, Spring onion, turnip, onion, carrot and leeks later on. Have some rhubarb perhaps. I have some small beds at home for peas and I have some raspberries & rhubarb here already. Fingers crossed x
Look healthy 😀🌿🌿🌿🌿