Brassica oleracea (Capitata Group)
Early Summer 2019
Early Summer 2019

My cabbage seedlings.. advice/separation/care tips are well appreciated. #cabbage-advice 🌱💚 24.06.19
About time to make stir fry since caterpillars have started appearing on some young leaves. Gotta make the most of remaining undamaged greens hehe.. #cabbage #gyo 18.07.19 🌱💚
@bellabells I tried 2 things. Don’t know which one worked. I made some garlic spray. Also used cinnamon. Seems to be keeping my cabbage insect problem at bay.
@tkept oh that’s really good to know Tom. I have cinnamon powder and will try to use it.. hopefully it will keep most pests away. 😄👍🏻