Late Summer 2017
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Mid Summer 2017
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Late Summer 2016
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Mid Summer 2016
- 3

Brassica oleracea (Capitata Group)
Late Summer 2017
Mid Summer 2017

Cabbages and I think spring greens or maybe kale?

I think I see kale

I think kale too in the background
Late Summer 2016

You know that plans of mice and men gang aft agley? Well not at the Ilson Roots Project! !! I believe that is a cabbage!!!!!!! Last year I got not one Brassica after being under attack by next doors chickens, wood pigeons, cabbage white cattapillars , slugs.... This year we built Fort Brassica and I have been seriously out of action with a bad back for weeks and yet we have cabbage!!! I love it when a plan comes together.

Would go great with my Sunday lunch today, you've certainly cracked the protection well worth the investment 👍
Mid Summer 2016

After some initial damage in the greenhouse we used strategically placed dead spikey sticks on all the shelves surrounding the plants and on the floor. Ya know what! ?! It seems to be working!?! Hope I didn't just jinx it!

👍 I use the spiky sticks when I plant stuff outside too

We have a few cabbages - this one appears to be missing the centre?? I was thinking of leaving the cabbages to over winter because they don't seem very large. Is this a good plan? Will they need covering with fleece during frosts or snow ?