Ribes nigrum
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

All variants of #blackcurrant color from green to black in the maturing process. #ribesnigrum #ribes

Wow are these early @bensgarden ? Mine are all still green

It started to color a few days ago Sharon and now it goes really fast. But as you know, black does not yet mean ripe. 😉 @sharonhayden

@bensgarden thanks I didn’t know- I also can’t tell which ones are black/red or white!!!

You'll see. Red and white currant are at the end a bit semitransparent, blackcurrant is a bit different, has thicker dark black skin and dry brown rest of flowering stays on berries and sticks very well. But you have to give some time to black berries. It is very good, but have to be really ripe and it is not yet immediately when turns to black. I like white currant. It is delicious. But I don't have it on my garden yet. @sharonhayden

@bensgarden thanks for all the info!
#blackcurrant is #readytoharvest It's not so much work on my two small young bushes 😉 It's more like small appetizer when you go around. But that's exactly what I wanted.