Alliaria Petiolata syn. Alliaria officinalis syn. Sisymbrium alliaria
Jack By The Hedge
Mid Spring 2018
- 16

Alliaria Petiolata syn. Alliaria officinalis syn. Sisymbrium alliaria
Mid Spring 2018
Good evening all! I found this pretty little thing growing in the shade next to my fence last year and had no idea what it was! I've just found out that it's Garlic Mustard while I was searching for something completely different! It's always nice to eventually put a name to an unknown interloper! 😀
Evening Ian, that’s a sweet little flower 😍😍
@pelly - Good evening Jane! It's quite invasive apparently so it will be interesting to see if it can out compete my infestation of Horsetail Grass! 😀
Oh Ian I had horsetail in my last home😳 Was a never ending battle. Can I ask what you do with it?
@Denise16 - It's a complete nightmare Denise! It can be killed with a product called Kurtail, but you have to let it grow somewhat before spraying it - and it kills everything else! I just try and keep on top of it and pull it out by the armful whenever I see it, but I lost the battle last year and it literally took over my borders and raised beds! It's the main reason I garden almost exclusively in pots! 😀
I have some horsetail too, but I was shown it is aggressive so I put mine in a pot when I got it.
@lesliecole49 - It's nasty stuff Leslie! I definitely wouldn't try and keep it in a pot as in the spring it will release millions of tiny spores that will float away and settle everywhere! You'll then be engaged in a never ending battle to get rid of the stuff! 😢
@Denise16 @lesliecole49 - I tagged my previous Horsetail Grass posts if you fancy a read... #bigemrghorsetail
Thanks Ian, those photos take me back with despair. It’s ruthless. It’s a good feeling to pull it out by its long roots but unfortunately doesn’t stop it spreading. And so quickly if you can’t be on top of it. I see it along the river and shudder, that’s where it belongs if anywhere! Leslie it’s dreadful stuff @lesliecole49
@Denise16 - Despair! What a great word to describe how I quite often feel when it gets away from me! There was a ton of it at Exbury Gardens last time I visited and I wondered how they dealt with it! It has also spread into the verges around here so even if I could eradicate it from my garden I fear it would soon return! Oh well... 😔
@linfoster - Thanks Lin! It is pretty isn't it? 😀
They probably just have many pairs of hands at work to contain it as I can’t imagine it can be killed off. It’s from the Jurassic times apparently! It’s mega tough stuff.