Alliaria Petiolata syn. Alliaria officinalis syn. Sisymbrium alliaria
Jack By The Hedge
Alliaria petiolata is a hairy biennial herb, which bears heart -shaped toothed leaves with a garlic odour especially when crushed. Terminal clusters of white 4 petalled flowers are followed by long thin seed capsules from 20-70mm in length. This plant thrives in damp soil in shade. Can be used to flavour food.
Partial shade to deep shade
Occasional watering
Full Frost Hardy: 5F (-15°C)
Moist and free draining
Common name
Jack By The Hedge
Latin name
Alliaria Petiolata syn. Alliaria officinalis syn. Sisymbrium alliaria
5.5 - 8.0 Acid - Neutral
Plant & bloom calendar
Best time to plant
When the plant will bloom
full grown dimensions
Alliaria Petiolata syn. Alliaria officinalis syn. Sisymbrium alliaria
Alliaria petiolata is a hairy biennial herb, which bears heart -shaped toothed leaves with a garlic odour especially when crushed. Terminal clusters of white 4 petalled flowers are followed by long thin seed capsules from 20-70mm in length. This plant thrives in damp soil in shade. Can be used to flavour food.
From Early Spring TO Mid Spring
The flowers appear in early to mid Spring
From Mid Spring TO Late Spring
Plant out seedlings when they are big enough to handle. Plant them in to moist, free-draining soil in partial to full shade (although the plants will tolerate a sunny position).
Propagating by seed
From Early Spring TO Mid Autumn
Sow indoors at any time or directly in situ any time from early Spring to late Spring, or in the Autumn. Surface sow onto moist, well-drained seed compost. Cover the seed to its own depth with compost or soil. Ideally, chill the seeds at 4°C for 5-6 weeks then return to warmth for germination. (If sown in situ in Autumn in a temperate climate, natural Winter chill will provide ideal conditions for germination to occur as the weather warms up in in Spring).