Early Spring 2020
- 11
Late Winter 2020
- 16
Late Winter 2020
- 1
Mid Winter 2020
- 5
Mid Spring 2019
- 14
Late Winter 2019
- 7
Late Winter 2018
- 23
Early Winter 2018
- 25
Early Spring 2017
- 32
Late Winter 2017
- 29
Mid Spring 2016
- 12

Early Spring 2020
Late Winter 2020

Good morning GTers! It's always great to see our #bug buddies return for another year! 😀 #wildlifewednesday #wildlife #bugs #fly #camellia #pink

Morning Ian 🙋♀️ fab photo

Good morning Ian. Stunning photo 👋😲

@jaynehynesburton - Morning Jayne! Thank you! 😀

@flof1952 - Good morning Pauline! Thanks very much! 😀

Morning Ian .. they make great subjects to photograph don’t they !!

Morning Ian 🙋♀️

@juliesgarden - Good morning Julie! Yes! I love gazing into the eyes of my fly friends! 😀

@pelly - Good morning Jane! 😀

Morning, great photo 👍🙂

@anges - Thanks Ange, and good morning to you too! 😀

Brilliant photo 💞
Late Winter 2020

Good morning GTers! It's nice to see the #camellia blooms still looking lovely! 😀 #pink
Mid Winter 2020

Good morning GTers! The #camellia blooms are looking good this year! Have a great day everyone! #pink

Morning Ian, thanks and you too 🙋♀️💗💗

Morning Ian 💕

Good morning Ian on this cold dark morning. Camellias are a lovely flower🤗

Have a good day too 🤓
Mid Spring 2019

Good morning GTers! My lovely #red #camellia is still going strong! Have a fab Friday everyone! 😀

Gorgeous one ❤️

Morning Ian, it’s gorgeous ❤️❤️

@dan5584 - Thanks Dan! It's definitely my favourite Camellia! 😀

@pelly - Good morning Jane! Thanks! Wish I knew its name! Dad planted it in my garden shortly after I moved in over 25 years ago so the label is long gone! 😀

Beautiful..❤️❤️ , morning Ian 👋

@juliesgarden - Good morning Julie! Thanks! Yes, I think the red ones are the most beautiful of them all! 😀

Morning pretty...

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom - Good morning Elaine! Isn't it? 😀

@bigemrg beautiful. I don’t know what I did to mine but they were looking fab had loads of buds on then all the buds fell off one then the leaves and is dead and the other one the flowers have dropped off and is not looking very happy. 😩😢🤔

@pixierose - Oh no that's such a shame Christine! I know they like lots of water through summer and autumn to promote bud development, and they prefer acidic soil conditions, but other than that I don't know what to suggest! Maybe a good feed in early spring? 😀

Good morning Ian pretty flower. Have a great Bank Holiday Weekend🥃
Late Winter 2019

Good morning GTers! Looks like it's going to be a wet one today so here's a #pink #camellia covered in raindrops! Have a lovely Sunday everyone! 😀

Morning Ian, it’s the same here. Enjoy yours too 💞💞

Morning Ian, you too ☺💕

Good morning Ian on this very wet Sunday. Well at least it will water in the plants I put in yesterday. Enjoy your day 👋😕☂️

Morning Ian...blowing a gale here today too💨💨😁

Beautiful photo.

@pelly @anges @flof1952 @juliesgarden @johninbrighton - Good evening all! Sorry for the late reply! We only had a small amount of rain in the end today, but boy was it windy! 😀
Late Winter 2018

Good morning GTers! This was my dad's #camellia bush just over a week ago - it looked stunning and the picture doesn't really do it justice! To find out what happened to it take a look at my weekly photo #blog which you can see at the following link - Have a fabulous day everyone! 😀 #pink

Morning Ian 👋 gorgeous pic N hav a lovely day 😊

@greenfinger14 - Morning Melanie! Thank you! You too! 😀

Morning Ian omg 😨 not good I must say I have had it with this cold 😭😭

@tina - Morning! I'm hoping some of the buds have survived but it didn't look good last weekend! 😀

Morning Ian, well what a beauty, and my colour 💕😉😆 , have a fab day 👍

Morning again Ian @bigemrg Just has a ‘gander’😉 at your blog, such a shame with the Camellia. Elvis looks like he is growing even if it is slowly looks nice & healthy also 👍

Absolutely gorgeous Ian. So lovely to see so much colour! 💖💖

Good morning Ian. These are so pretty as long as Mr Frost stays away! I've just bought one so don't know that much more about them really 👋😊🌸

@juliesgarden - Morning Julie! It was beautiful, flowers are just a mushy brown colour now! 😀

@jadojado29 - Yes, a real shame! Elvis is a big boy now! 😀

@AlisaJ - It was Alisa! Looks like a brown flowered mess now! 😀
Early Winter 2018

Good morning GTers! I was quite surprised to see this lovely #pink #camellia open when I visited dad yesterday! Hope the rest of the buds stay firmly closed to avoid the frost! Have a marvellous Monday everyone! 😀

Morning Ian, how beautiful is that, but yes it definitely needs to go back to sleep for a while 🌸🌸

@pelly - It is pretty but looks rather forlorn all on its own! The bush is going to look magnificent again though as it has literally hundreds of buds! 😀

Looking forward to seeing the photos Ian 👍👍

@pelly - Should be in full flow by March Jane! See previous picture to see how it looked last year! 😀

Ahh, beautiful, roll on March. 😍😍

Good morning Ian. Such pretty flowers ......hope the frosts don't damage the rest. Have a great day 😊👋🌸

@bigemrg Morning Ian 👋

Oh how lovely Ian , my favourite colour 💕

Morning Ian why she’s got to the party very early 🌺

@flof1952 - Afternoon Pauline! Aren't they? I'm sure they'll be fine! Enjoy the rest of your day too! 😀

@mikethegardener - Good afternoon Mike! 😀
Early Spring 2017

Good afternoon all! What an awful day it is today! Let's step back 24 hours and into my dad's garden, where his lovely #pink #camellia bush was going crazy for #spring this year! 😀

Afternoon Ian, that is amazing, so many flowers. 💝💟💝

@pelly - It is amazing Jane! Last year the flowers started in January and went through all the way until the end of May - this year they've all arrived at once! 😀

Wow that's so nice ❤❤❤❤❤

That is gorgeous Ian 😊

@kimmy01 - I love it too! Wish it was in my garden! 😀

@jaynehynesburton - Isn't it Jayne? 😀

Sooooo pretty 👍

It is the best one I have ever seen. Just beautiful 😊

@juliesgarden - Thanks Julie! I really can't believe how many flowers there are! 😀

@jaynehynesburton - Wow! Really? I'll tell dad and he'll be very pleased! 😀

That's fantastic. What a beauty 💕💕
Late Winter 2017

Good morning GTers! After what seems like weeks of waiting my lovely #camellia bush has finally burst into bloom! Have a super Sunday everyone! 😀

Morning Ian. That was worth waiting for as she's a beauty 💕. Have a great day 😊

Morning Ian! @bigemrg Perfection! So envious! Still no sign of anything on mine for the 3rd year! Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?

@lexijane - Morning Lexi! Definitely worth the wait! Have a good one too! 😀

@SylviaDavies - Morning Sylvia! Thank you! Mine didn't flower for years, then a couple of years ago it had a few flowers, and now it has dozens! I know they are thirsty plants and like water to encourage the development of buds! To be honest mine couldn't be in a worse position - on a north facing wall in heavy clay! Hope yours gets going soon! 😀

Morning Ian, lovely 🌺, I'm still waiting 😩🤣

@juliesgarden - Good morning Julie! Thank you! Fingers crossed it won't be long for you now! 😁

Thanks for that Ian! Can only hope! Enjoy yours is a stunner!

Morning ian @bigemrg isn't she a Beauty 😍 still have mine to look forward to hope it's just as lovely as this one. Have a lovely day Ian 😁

@jadojado29 - Morning Suzie! They'll be out in no time and be just as beautiful! Have a good one too! 😀

Morning Ian, what a beauty 😍 have fab day 😀

@christineb - Good morning Christine! Isn't she? You too! 😀
Mid Spring 2016

While my dad has a camellia that's been in bloom since January, mine has only just come out to play!

It was worth the wait though! 😄 #red #camellia

Looks fab 👍

Thanks @justin - wish I knew which variety it was but I purchased it before I became interested in gardening and discarded the label!

Still waiting for mine 😩

@juliesgarden - I'm sure it won't be long now! 😄

Lovely!!! (Take a cutting from his??).

@brightcolours - Tried before but it didn't like my clay soil. ☹️

Grow in a pot??

@brightcolours - I've already got over 60 pots in my garden so I guess one more won't make much difference! 😄


Good morning GTers! The #camellia blooms are looking lovely this year! Have a terrific Tuesday everyone! 😀 #pink
Morning Ian, that's a great close up 💗💗💗
@anges - Good morning Ange! Thank you! 😀
Morning Ian great shot....💖
@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom - Morning Elaine! Thanks! 😀
Nice pic😍
@akshat - Thank you! 😀
Fab pic 💞
@lovemygarden65 - Thanks very much Marilyn! 😀
Stunning. Would you like us to feature it in our email newsletter? 😊
@ukgardentags - Thanks guys! Yes, I'm happy for you to feature it! 😃