Mid Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
- 9
Mid Spring 2018
- 10
Early Spring 2017
- 1

Mid Spring 2019
Early Spring 2019

#camellia flowering even better this year, maybe coincidence but since I started mulching with the needles from the Christmas tree each year it seems to have really helped! Have a great a Friday everyone! #red ❤️❤️

Beautiful colour ❤

Love the colour and a great #tip Richard ❤️❤️

Lovely pic and great idea 👍

Beautiful .. it heard of the Xmas tree needles before, I’ll try that ! 👍

Morning Richard 👍🏼👍🏼



Gorgeous ❤️
Mid Spring 2018

Good morning everyone! #camellia currently looking the best it has ever been, glad I persisted through the 6 non-flowering years. ❤️❤️

Morning Richard, well worth waiting for 💕💕

Morning Richard mine did the same hardly any flowers for years now it has loads. It is in a pot though. I have moved it about a bit but seems to like to spot it is in at the moment 😊 yours is a lovely colour 👍

Thanks Diane. There were many times I nearly dig it up. @Di007

Many times mine almost went in the green bin.. The bonus it has is being an evergreen 😊

Well worth the wait ❤️

It's gorgeous❤️

My word that is really really nice! The one I bought earlier this year I mistakenly put it in a pot (it was flowering nicely in there) then I realised it should be planted in the garden. It's not doing so well there sadly. No vibrant colour like yours 😕and the flowers aren't lasting long before they turn brown. Is it because it doesn't like where it is do you think? #advice-camellia.

Camellia do make good container plants, the main reason being when the garden soil is too alkaline, it can be controlled in a pot with ericacious compost. So I don’t know if you know what pH your soil is? Another possibility is position, it is a woodland plant and therefore probably wouldn’t like direct sunlight. But finally, mine has taken a long time to get to this, it didn’t flower at all for 6 years, so it may just need a little time! Hope this helps. @midnightgardener

@rbetts25 Yes that really does help. I'll have to get Ericaceous compost again I'm not sure if I got it for this Camellia (might have forgotten I've done so much gardening these past weeks) thank you very much for your help 😊
Early Spring 2017

Nearly 7 years since I brought this #camellia for 99p it has flowered for the first time, worth the wait!!!!!
Morning everyone! Early morning sun just creeping onto the #camellia which is still going after a month! #red
Morning Richard, that’s beautiful, I hope my red one looks as lovely when it eventually opens ❤️❤️
Thanks Jane. I hope so too! @pelly
Thank you 😄😄