Clematis montana 'Mayleen'
Clematis montana 'Mayleen'
Mid Spring 2019
- 7
Early Spring 2019
- 19
Mid Spring 2018
- 26
Early Spring 2018
- 31
Mid Spring 2017
- 33
Late Summer 2016
- 14

Clematis montana 'Mayleen'
Mid Spring 2019
Early Spring 2019

Good morning GTers! I was very pleased to see that my #clematis montana 'Mayleen' had quite a few flower buds forming! Have a terrific Tuesday everyone! 😀 #flowerbud

Morning Ian ..fab shot ! 💕

@juliesgarden - Good morning Julie! Thank you! 😀

Good morning Ian. Mine is budding up too ....great photo. Have a nice day 👋😎💗

@flof1952 - Good morning Pauline! Thank you! I love this time of year with everything waking up again! 😀

@bigemrg Good morning Ian 🖐

@mikethegardener - Good morning Mike! 😀

Morning, when I read 'Mayleen' it made me think of Marleen from Only Fools and Horses 😀 now I can't get Boysie's voice out of my head saying 'Marleeeen'! The actor who played Boysie is a keen gardener though so there is a link! Fab photo btw 🌸🌸🌸

Morning Ian great pic it looks like a little lantern 💕

@anges - Morning Ange! Hehehehehe! (Boycie's laugh) 😁 Thank you! 😀

@debs69 - Morning Debra! Thank you! It does, doesn't it? 😀

Morning Ian great shot 💗💗
Mid Spring 2018

Good morning GTers! My #clematis montana 'Mayleen' has finally got a flower! It was covered in them at this time last year! However, the good news is that there are quite a few buds forming! Have a wonderful start to the week everyone! 😀 #pink

Morning Ian, fabulous shot. Have a lovely day 😀

@jaynehynesburton - Good morning Jayne! Thank you, you too! 😀

Morning😀 My Montana has buds but no flowers. I’m jealous. Have a great day

Morning Ian @bigemrg Lovely pic 💕 Mine also has buds but don’t think I’m going to see them open just yet, not with small this rain more forecast until wed so far, at least the Willows trees are enjoying it 👍

@Emma915Jones - Morning Emma! Well this is the only one on mine and it doesn't look like more will be opening any time soon with it feeling more like winter than spring! Enjoy your day too! 😀

@jadojado29 - Good morning Suzie! No, bit too cold for more buds to open at the moment! At least it's not wet here... yet! 😀

I have Montana ‘Elizabeth’ which is covered in buds. I gave it a really hard prune last year after it wasn’t very floriferous so it’s rewarding me now. Can’t wait for the buds to open. We just need 🌞🌞🌞 @bigemrg

@jacaranda - I daren't prune mine back hard as it's growing in a pot at the front of the shed, and has reached the roof after three years! All of the flowers, leaves and new shoots appear at the top, and I'm frightened of cutting into the old wood in case it doesn't come back! It should look good though - if only the sun would shine like you say! 😀

Oh well Ian @bigemrg me & Charlotte @charlotte have plenty of wet weather Happy to send you some it’s no trouble 💦 🚣♀️🚣♀️💦

Morning Ian superb pic 💕💕😍

Ooo yes. The rain is free to any good home !!! @jadojado29
Early Spring 2018

Good morning GTers! I'm having a #flashbackfriday moment today! My #clematis montana 'Mayleen' was in full swing on this day last year, but hasn't even got buds on yet this year! Have a fabulous Friday everyone! 😀 #pink

Such a late season isn't it!!

@SylviaDavies - It certainly is Sylvia! My Tulips seem to be taking forever to flower too! 😀

Morning Ian , same here although lots of buds , bonkers weather ! Have a fab day 👍

It will all be happening at once i reckon!!! Have a great day!!!

Sorry to hassle Ian.... how do you find what you posted a year ago on here please?

Morning Mr I have this one not planted it yet but does say it’s a fast grower 🤔 would you agree 🤷♀️ hopefully next weeks weather will bring things on more 🤞 have a fab day 👍🏻

Morning, ooh I have this on my wish list. That’s so pretty! And yes, everything is so behind! I guess it’ll all catch up...eventually! 🙄


@juliesgarden - Afternoon Julie! Just got back home and had a quick check, and there are a few buds, but nowhere near as many as last year! 😀

@SylviaDavies - Yes, hopefully there'll be a deluge of colour soon! I didn't use the app to get the date, I just checked when I took the photo! However, you can swipe left to see when the previous picture was uploaded although that's not very accurate! 😀
Mid Spring 2017

Good morning GTers! Not sure where the week went but it's Friday again already! My lovely #pink #clematis Montana has been beautiful for the past few weeks! Have a fantastic Friday everyone! 😀

Morning 😊

Morning Ian Great shot 😊

@cottagegardendave - Morning Dave! 😀

@jaynehynesburton - Thanks Jayne! Good morning to you! 😀

Morning Ian fantastic pic 😊👍

Morning Ian, great photo 💛💖💛

@daisy-jane - Good morning Jane! Thank you very much.!😀

@pelly - Morning again Jane and thanks! 😀

Good morning Ian....another super shot you have there 👍👍

@harebell - Morning Della! Well thank you very much! 😀

Good morning lan, great shot -again! Can I ask what camera and lens you use?
Late Summer 2016

Good evening all! I'm very pleased to see that my #clematis montana 'Mayleen' is flowering for the second time this year! 😀

Beautiful 👏🏻

@yodamama - Thanks June! 😀

Does it normally flower twice? @bigemrg

@rachelbrooks - This is the first time! It has put on a lot of growth this year and the latest flowers are on that new growth! 😀

Well that was a nice surprise! 👍🏼 one of mine flowered twice for the first time this year...I was elated! 🙈😂😂 @bigemrg

@rachelbrooks - Indeed it was! I love it when my garden throws up surprises like this! 😀

@bigemrg never had a Montana, this is a beauty 🌸

That's a lovely bonus 😊the beauty of gardening 💕💕

Perfect 💕🌸💕

Beautiful pic 😍👌

@hlt - They're really fast growers and are usually covered in these pretty pink flowers from mid spring to early summer! 😀
What a difference a week of sunshine has made to my #clematis montana! These were all buds a week ago, now there are more flowers than I've ever seen all at once! It's not technically #blossom but it's definitely blossoming! 😀
Beautiful 💕
@lovemygarden65 - Isn't it Marilyn? 😀
@columbiariver - Thanks Laura! I'm not sure about fast growing as its taken three years for this one to make its way to the top of my shed! They do however flower really freely with lots of flowers even when they're quite small! 😀
@columbiariver - Oh, should also mention that mine are planted in pots so they may grow faster in open ground! 😀
Worth the wait though! 🌸💕
@rachelbrooks - Definitely Rachel, never seen so many flowers on it all out at once! Wish it would hurry up and cover the shed roof! 😀