Late Autumn 2016
- 33
Late Summer 2016
- 20
Mid Summer 2016
- 20
Early Summer 2016
- 35
Mid Spring 2016
- 15

Late Autumn 2016
Late Summer 2016

Good evening all! The #cosmos are still going strong in my garden! This is just one of the images in my weekly photo #blog which can be viewed at the following link if you're interested - Have a good evening everyone! 😀


@justin - Thanks Justin! 😀

That's a gorgeous shot Ian 😚😚😚

@charlottejhurst - Thank you Charlotte! 😀

Perfect bokeh Ian! @bigemrg

Just looked at your blog, your photos are amazing, really enjoyed it, oh and the cat is so cute 😀😁😊

@gardengimp - Thank you Graham! 😀

@angiecrazycatlady - Thanks very much Angie! He is quite adorable and photogenic too! 😀

Beautiful photo 📷

@grandmagizzy - Thank you Christine! 😀

Good evening Ian @bigemrg Gorgeous photo, brilliant idea to take it from the angle you have 📸😍 hope you have had a lovely day. Rain has stopped here now but had it for most of the day a blessing really as was much needed 👍
Mid Summer 2016

Good morning everyone! Finally got a #pink #cosmos from the pink and white seed mix I grew! Have a great day all! 😀

Oh wow! Love that shot! 😃 👌 👌

Morning Ian 💕💓 great pic as always 👌

@SylviaDavies - Thank you Sylvia! 😀

@Keely - Good morning Keely! Thank you! 😀

Morning Ian lovely shot! Don't work too hard 😊

@christineb - Good morning Christine! Thanks! I'll try not to - must get a move on actually! 😀

Good morning Ian 👋🏻

Good morning Ian @bigemrg Great photo 📸💖

Have a good day

Good morning Ian. Have a great day 🌸 @bigemrg

Morning Ian enjoy your day
Early Summer 2016

Good morning all! This #white #cosmos is the first flower to come from the seeds I sowed way back in the first week of April! A very satisfying sight! Have a great start to the week everyone! 😀

Morning Ian , that's lovely 👍

@juliesgarden - Morning Julie! Thank you! 😀

Good morning Ian lovely picture🤗

Morning, she's lovely @bigemrg I think a great plant- have bought white seeds too for next year 😀

@godfreye - Good morning Enid! Thanks! 😀

@titchyfra - Good morning! Thanks! I've got white this year and a 'hot mix' from Sarah Raven that I sowed directly into my new border! 😀

Good morning Ian. Stunning picture.......perfic. Have a good day @bigemrg

@flof1952 - Thank you Pauline! You too! 😀

Morning mine were nipped out so no buds yet will just admire yrs for now 👌

Speed mine late but I see they have tiny buds

@Keely - Good morning Keely! I nipped a few of mine out too to make them a bit bustier! The ones I didn't are about three feet high now! Incredible! 😀
Mid Spring 2016

Good morning GTers! Looks like my #cosmos are about ready to be moved on! Not sure whether to pot them on or plant them straight out! Surely we've seen the last of the frosts?

Morning @bigemrg! I planted mine straight out yesterday, they look happy enough! If we have another frost then I'm emigrating!! ☀️🌻

@aj123 - I'm definitely leaning towards planting out! May leave one more week, just in case! 😀

@bigemrg ........Good morning Ian. I planted the ones starting to flower yesterday

@flof1952 - Mine are a little way from flowering as I was late sowing them! Want to sow another batch when these are outside to extend flowering season as suggested by @mikethegardener 😀

I planted some out yesterday, they have survived the chilly night, just got about another 50 to go!

I'm a wimp so I potted mine on for a other week or two!

@hlt @ellenmarygardening - Decisions, decisions! 😀

#ToPlantOrNotToPlant #cosmos

I planted mine out last week, then got a bit worried so sowed some more seeds just in case 😂

Good morning Ian beautiful day I hope no more frost but I'm holding back just a few more days to be sure🤗

Good morning Ian or afternoon now lol ;)
Good evening all! I've finally recovered from my cellulitis and have spent the whole day in the garden - freezing myself half to death! Got lots of bulbs planted and all of my annuals pulled out! Garden is now nearly ready for its winter sleep! 😀 #cosmos
Don't over do it Ian but so glad to hear your all fixed 😊😊
Good to hear Ian , don't overdo it else you'll be back to square one !!
@nessas @juliesgarden - Thanks Vanessa and Julie! I'll try not to but not having been able to get into the garden for a couple of weeks it was tempting to try and get everything done at once! 😀
Take it steady Ian. Glad to hear you are feeling better. 😊😊 @bigemrg
Do as you are told Ian or we will all be round 😁😁
Good evening Ian. I'm glad you're feeling better and back in your garden. I know cellulitis can be a terrible thing to have.
Awww glad your back in action Ian! 🎉🎉🎉
That told him Jayne. 😂😂 @jaynehynesburton
😁😁😁 @pelly, but will it work
Ian take care and look after your self@bigemrg
@pelly - Thanks Jane, will do! 😀