Mid Summer 2016
Late Spring 2016

My first cosmos flower and #bee 🌸🐝😀 @linfoster @lamaisonbleueoleron after worrying that that wouldn't grow 😊


🙌🍾👌😎☀️😂 Mo, I hope you order that shampoo, mean champagne 😊 you'll definitely need it now. Enjoy your flowers deadhead regularly and they flower all season up to first frost 🙌🙌 now less stress and enjoy 😉

Lovely 😍

Yay, good excuse to try the champers before the event 🍾🍾✨ 🙌🙌 @lamaisonbleueoleron will keep deadheading but only got one flower at the moment 😂

Thanks Lin. And I've got bees 🐝🐝🐝 All down to your encouragement and I think this one may well have been one of the plants you gave me but I did end up planting them out out together with mine as well 😊😊 @linfoster

Thanks 👍@OlCANALP

@juliesgarden 😊👍 can't wait for the rest to flower now

Super photo Mo

Awe thanks Kathy, I just went out to look at it when I saw the flower had opened, spotted the bee and snapped didn't have time to focus or anything, then it flew off @kathy 😍🐝

Fab pic Mo. Lovely bloom and bee 👏👏

Thanks you Pearl I'm in love with cosmos now! I've even put some in pots on the patio 🤔Probably wrong but I'm just going for it I want colour everywhere this year. 😊 @fuschia 😘
First year I've had cosmos in the garden and loving it 🌸 😊
Beautiful #pink #cosmos
Thanks Justin. I've been deadheading this morning to encourage more flowers 🤗 @Justin
Pretty 💕🌸💕
Mo looking good well done you 👏🏼😉
Giving to a good show👏🏻😀
Lovely 💕💕💕
Thanks all for your lovely comments 😊 @debs69 @lamaisonbleueoleron @kathy @mrsflowerpot @latebloomer they have brought so much colour into the garden 💕
I was worried Steve if they would ever get going after the poor start they had especially after seeing yours! 🤔😊 @lamaisonbleueoleron
They are lovely i only pinched 3 from mums but will be doing my own next year so pretty
Going to add more myself next year there are so many varieties to add extra colour to the borders. 😊 @Keely
Gorgeous cosmos Mo not seen many around this year