Euphorbia mellifera
Early Spring 2020
Late Spring 2017

Good evening all! Do any of you GT detectives know what this shrub is? It's growing about 3ft tall and has several of these flower branches coming from the base! The insects seem to love the little flowers! 😀 #plantid

Looks like a type of Euphorbia Ian

@jaynehynesburton - Brilliant! Thanks Jayne! I think it's Euphorbia mellifera - Honey Spurge! Would you agree? 😀

I do with the Mellifera, the rest is far too complicated for me 😂😂

@jaynehynesburton - Hehe! 😀

Evening Ian not seen that one before 👌🌺

@Keely - Evening Keely! It just popped up in dad's garden a couple of years ago and we decided to leave it and see what it turned into! I quite like it! 😀

I need some euphorbia back in my life.

@DebsC - Maybe one will unexpectedly turn up in your garden like this one did in dad's! 😀
Good morning GTers! Probably the most unusual looking flower in the garden at the moment belongs to the Honey Spurge! Have a fantastic Friday everyone! 😀 #honey-spurge #honeyspurge
Gosh this does look odd
@Emma915Jones - Definitely Emma! They smell rather nice though! 😀