Hyacinthus orientalis
Late Winter 2018
- 36
Early Spring 2017
- 16
Late Winter 2017
- 11
Mid Spring 2016
- 8
Mid Spring 2016
- 10
Mid Spring 2016
- 2

Hyacinthus orientalis
Late Winter 2018
Early Spring 2017

Good morning GTers! The #hyacinth are looking lovely at the moment despite the best efforts of the weather to spoil them! This is just one of the images in my weekly photo #blog which you can see at the following link if you're interested - www.bigemrg.co.uk/blog/latest Have a great day everyone! 😀 #pink #spring

Morning Ian 👋 great pic 😍 hav a good day 😊

Morning Ian amazing photo, another one worthy of framing and hanging on the wall 😄

Beautiful pics on your blog Ian 😍

Morning Ian. I've just had a look at your blog and there are some beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing and have a great day. 😊😊😊

Beautiful Ian 💕💕 and I have my coffee break reading for later 😀☕️

Good morning Ian thank is a bright pink lovely🤗

Morning Ian, lovely colour 💖 have a good day

Morning Ian. Have a great day

Morning Ian love the colour of this one it's fab! 💗👌

Phwoar! 💕 morning Ian! 😊

Morning Ian @bigemrg Wow Fab photo, Fab colour 😍. Hope you have a Fab day Ian ☺
Late Winter 2017

Good afternoon all! After a terrific sunny morning it's now raining! At least the #hyacinth #bulbs seem to be enjoying it, even though I'm not! 😀

@sylvietee - It was gorgeous here this morning, but the rain has been around since lunchtime! Looks like it's easing up again now though! 😀

Reminds me of an artichoke , hoping for sun for you tomorrow 🌞

@titchyfra - Now that would be a surprise! The forecast for tomorrow is a bit grim if you believe it! Rain from start to finish! 😔 ☔

Oh, well they do get it wrong so ....🤞🌞 for you

@titchyfra - Unfortunately they didn't on this occasion Franca - it's chucking it down! 😞

🙄 sorry 😐 its chucking it down here too 👎

@titchyfra - We've just had half an our of sunshine and I've been battling brambles in dad's garden - now we've got hailstones! Hope it improves for you! 😀

Hailstones 😳 i went out at lunchtime as I was determined to get something done before work tomorrow- been in about 20 mins 😂 brambles - I've offered to help nice do that , what have let myself in for - not a nice job 🙃

@titchyfra - At least you got out there! 😀 Brambles are the work of the devil! 👿 Although my new gardening gloves are brilliant I think I should have bought gauntlets, as I've managed to scratch my forearm to bits! 😀

Lol have to say did think of your gloves !!
Mid Spring 2016

A lovely #white #hyacinth growing in one of my garden pots...

That's lovely 😊


Thanks @latebloomer @fuschia @kathy - The hyacinths are my best performers so far this year! 😄

Amazing colour @bigemrg 😀👏🏼

@latebloomer - Have always been going to try that but have never got around to it! Looking forward to seeing how they progress for you! 😄

@richard.spicer.7906 - Yes, they're not quite cream or pure white! The sun is definitely making them look warmer in this image though! 😄

Mid Spring 2016

A bee fly visits a #pink #hyacinth and drinks in its sugary nectar!


Fabulous shot

Thank you @lyndag - I don't often get these guys visiting my garden so was pleased to have my camera at hand! 😄

Ooh! #macro #bee 🐝

Nice shot! Love macro photography and the various bees are my favorite.

Thanks @brightcolours and @MelanieAt - this is actually a fly, masquerading as a bee!😄

#fly #insects

I like great imitators @bigemrg . :) we have a few of those here too .

Mid Spring 2016

A lovely lilac coloured #hyacinth enjoying the spring sunshine today...

#lilac #macro
Good morning GTers! We've still got snow on the ground here but hopefully that'll all be gone by the end of the day! Here's my first #hyacinth of the season, taken before the white stuff returned! Have a terrific Tuesday everyone! 😀 #pink #springiscoming
Morning 🙋♀️, ooooo pink 😉😜🤣👍👍
@juliesgarden - Morning Julie! I knew you'd like this one! 😀
Good morning Ian. ☺ Beautiful pink. I hope it didn't get flattened by the snow as my blue ones did. Have a good day. 🌞
@rusty - Morning Sandra! They're still under the snow at the moment! Hopefully they'll bounce back when it all melts! Enjoy your day too! 😀
Morning again Ian @bigemrg Lovely ‘Hot Pink’ 💕Snow all gone here just wet out there today, hope yours disappears soon 😀
@jadojado29 - Thanks Suzie! It never got above freezing yesterday but hopefully it'll edge above it today and all the snow will be gone by this evening! 😀
Good morning Ian. The snow has finally gone and the sun is shining here. Love the colour of this HYACINTH .....can smell it from here. Have a great day 👋😊💕
Love that colour. Snow is nearly all melted here....please let that be the end of it 😁
@flof1952 - Good morning Pauline! Bit of a grey morning here but hopefully the sun will be shining soon! Yes, my nose was so close to these they smelled lovely! Have a great day too! 😀
@angiecrazycatlady - Morning Angie! It's rather intense isn't it? Wish snow would hurry up and disappear here - then good riddance to it! 😀
It's a bit boring when everything is white. Let's hope we get a lovely summer as a reward for being freezing all winter 😊