Lamprocapnos spectabilis syn. Dicentra spectabilis
Bleeding Heart
Mid Spring 2018
- 24
Early Spring 2018
- 29
Early Spring 2017
- 43
Early Summer 2016
- 28
Mid Spring 2016
- 25
Mid Spring 2016
- 6

Lamprocapnos spectabilis syn. Dicentra spectabilis
Mid Spring 2018
Early Spring 2018

Good morning GTers! With everything being so late this year I was quite surprised to see that my #dicentra was beginning to flower already! Have a super Saturday everyone! 😀 #bleedingheart

Morning Ian that does seem early, early birds etc etc😊

Morning Ian, how lovely. Have a great one too 💕👋

@kathy - Morning Kathy! I remember when this used to first flower in June so it seems very early this year! 😀

@pelly - Morning again Jane! Isn't it? Thank you, you too! 😀

Lovely! Mine only started peeking out from the ground

@malada - Thank you! Once they've broken through they're pretty swift growers, so it shouldn't be long before yours are in bud too! 😀

Morning Ian , great photo 👍 Have a fab day ☺️

@juliesgarden - Good morning Julie and thank you! Have a fantastic day too! 😀

Good morning Ian. Mine isn't far behind yours .....can't wait to see it in full bloom. Have a great day 👋😊🌱

@flof1952 - Morning Pauline! Yes, love how they look when in full bloom! Have a great day too! 😀

Morning, mines started too. Have a good weekend 🙂
Early Spring 2017

Good morning GTers! After several severe prunings last year my #dicentra has come back bigger and stronger than ever this year and has lots of flowers! Have a marvellous Monday everyone! 😀 #bleedingheart #red

@latebloomer - Thanks Deborah! I managed to get three flushes of flowers from it last year before its final severe haircut! Enjoy the remainder of your day too! 😀

Morning Ian, you too. I really must get one of these. 💖💕💖

@pelly - Good morning Jane! They're good value and something different to look at at this time of year! You should! 😀

Morning Ian 🤔 now I let mine die back last year thought they always did this well that's why I read and not to remove foliage until it goes yellow or brown 👌🏻

Good morning Ian ........this is on my 'wish list'. The flowers are so beautiful .....enjoy your day @bigemrg :)

Good morning Ian @bigemrg they are just perfect 💕 & a perfect pic 👌. Didn't get on GT yesterday or in the garden but hoping to make up for it today just waiting for the Sun to appear, so having another cuppa ☕. Hope you have a great day Ian ☺

@nessas - Morning Vanessa! That's what I did when the leaves went yellow and they came back and it flowered again - twice! 😀

@flof1952 - Good morning Pauline! They are beauties! You should sneak one into your shopping basket! 😀

@jadojado29 - Good morning Suzie! Can't see the garden at the moment as it's so foggy! Coffee sounds like a good plan! Have to work this week but will hopefully be able to grab the odd moment outside! Enjoy your day! 😀

Oh now that sounds interesting will try that 👌🏻

Morning Ian, have a fab day! Beautiful pic as usual from your good self! 👏🏻👏🏻🌸👏🏻👏🏻
Early Summer 2016

Good morning GTers! Well look at this! I gave my #dicentra a light trim a few weeks ago, cutting back the yellowing leaves, and generally thinning it out, and it seems to have encouraged a second flush of flowers - albeit smaller than the original flush! Have a good, and hopefully dry day everyone! 😀

Seems to have worked @justin 😀

Beautiful and good morning, not sure about a dry day though 😎

@hobbitscottageblossoms - Morning Jayne! Thanks! Forecast looks good here! 😀

Morning how lovely to get 2 for 1 in one season 💕👍😁

@Keely - Morning Keely! Yes, very lovely! 😀

Good morning Ian fantastic shot & top tip 😀🎓

Morning Ian... I bet that was a welcome surprise, good to know 👍🏻

@clickchick - Morning Jean! Thanks! 😀

@janric - Morning Jan! Yes, very welcome! 😀

Morning Ian 😊😊

@mikethegardener - Very good morning Mike! 😀
Mid Spring 2016

Good morning GTers! My #dicentra was looking splendid in the sunshine the other day!

Good morning Ian , amazing photo :)

Thank you Jean, good morning! @clickchick 😀

Morning Ian. Have a good 'un. Another fab photo sir!!

@mikethegardener - Thanks Mike! 😀

Morning perfection 👌

Morning @debs69 Thanks! 😀

Good morning Ian ☕️ likewise beautiful shot as always 😀

Thank you James, morning 😀 @GREENFINGERSLTD

Morning everyone, stunning looking bleeding heart 🙌🏼👌

Morning all gr8 pic 🙌

Morning all , FANTASTIC 😍😍😍
Mid Spring 2016

Evening GT folks! Have been wondering where my #dicentra had got to but found it nestling amongst my anemones! Was surprised it was starting to form flowers already as it was June before I saw them last year!

Love these little heart shaped flower :)

@clickchick - Me too! They appeal to the photographer in me because they're different to the norm! 😀



Good morning GTers! Can't believe how quickly my #dicentra has gone from nothing at all to full bloom! This is just one of the plants in my weekly photo #blog which you can see at the following link if you're interested - Have a terrific Thursday everyone! 😀 #bleedingheart
Morning Ian , love these, hope mines open when I get home 🌸💕
@juliesgarden - Morning Julie! I've found by pruning the flowers back when they're done will stimulate the plant to produce more! So, if you miss them, you may be able to get more! 😀
Morning, this must be on everyone’s favourite list ❣️❣️
👍👍 thanks Ian 😁
I’m sure I read somewhere a bleeding heart with a different binomial name. Either an error, or another botanical name change that I’ll never remember. Mine is just about open, a beautiful image x
@clare2611 - Morning Clare! Yes I bet it is! I'm looking for the white variety at the moment! 😀
@Emma915Jones - Thanks Emma! According to Wikipedia they're now called #lamprocapnos with #dicentra being listed as a synonym! Guess I'll have to get used to the name change and update my records! 😀
I’ve got the white one it’s just as lovely 😊
Morning ian @bigemrg Great plants I finally got one myself the other day after being on my wishlist for ages, only a small one at the moment, hope it turns out like yours it’s Beautiful 💕
Morning Mr super shot I neeed the white one too 😉
Morning Ian, I bought one called ‘Goldheart’ last year, I saw them on GT and had to have one🤣