Early Spring 2020
- 9
Mid Spring 2019
- 4
Early Spring 2019
- 3
Late Winter 2019
- 13
Late Winter 2019
- 20
Late Winter 2019
- 16
Early Spring 2018
- 13
Early Spring 2018
- 19
Late Winter 2018
- 13
Late Winter 2018
- 23
Mid Spring 2017
- 27
Early Spring 2017
- 29
Mid Spring 2016
- 4
Mid Spring 2016
- 4
Mid Spring 2016
- 9
Mid Spring 2016
- 6
Mid Spring 2016
- 5
Early Spring 2016
- 8
Early Spring 2016
- 1

Early Spring 2020
Mid Spring 2019

Good afternoon all! My #bestofapril have to have been the many and varied types of #daffodil blooms that have brightened up the early springtime garden this year! Just wish I knew which variety all of them were! 😀

@cyndi - Thanks for the links Cyndi, they'll probably be very useful! Would be a lot more helpful if the sellers of mixed bags of bulbs would list the possible varieties contained in the bag! 😀

Wonderful photo.

@johninbrighton - Thanks so much John! 😀
Early Spring 2019
Late Winter 2019

Good morning GTers! Love these yellow daffodils with the orange coronas! Have a fabulous Friday everyone! 😀 #daffodil

Morning Ian, I think we must have had the same mixed bag of bulbs 🤣🤣

@pelly - Good morning Jane! There have been some good varieties for a mixed bag haven't there? 😀

Definitely and it’s been the same with my dwarf ones too. 💛💛

So do I Ian 🧡💛

@kathy - They're lovely aren't they Kathy? 😀

Morning Ian 💛🧡

Best year for Daffodils 🌼

@scaryskates - Haha! Don't think these will taste quite so nice Gary! 😁

@juliesgarden - Good morning Julie! 😀

@suerichards - They have put on a great display Sue! 😀

Good evening Ian🤗
Late Winter 2019

Good morning GTers! Another pretty #daffodil I don't know the variety of! Think I'll stop buying mixed bags of bulbs that give no hint of what you may expect to see! Have a marvellous Monday everyone! 😀

Oh I quite like the surprise! 😊 like a floral Forrest Gump box of chocolates!

Morning Ian, it’s annoying isn’t it, but you can get some lovely ones, like this 💛💛

@rachelbrooks - Haha! Yes, the surprise is good Rachel, but if you want more of the same it's quite frustrating! Also it mucks up my labelling system! 😀

@pelly - Morning again Jane! Yes, most are quite plain, but you get the odd gem like this one! 😀

Ah yes I guess so! I’ve had a few of mine identified on here fortunately! 👍🏼

I forgot to say, the one with the salmon coloured trumpet could be Salome, I looked it up as I have one very similar 🤔🤔

@pelly - Thanks Jane! I'll take a look at them! 😀

Morning Ian daffodil surprise 😊 hope you have a good week 👍

@pelly - Ooh, that could be a handy site Jane! Thanks! 😀

@debs69 - Morning Debra and you too! 😀
Late Winter 2019

Good morning GTers! One of my favourite Daffodils has returned for another year! Wish I knew the variety as I'd love some more of them! Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! 😀 #daffodil

Morning, lovely bright photo on a grey morning 💛☺💛 Have a good day ☺

@anges - Morning Ange! Thank you! Enjoy your day too! 😀

Morning Ian, it’s a lovely one. Enjoy your day too 😍😍

Good morning Ian, delicate colours very nice

@pelly - Good morning Jane! Thanks! I hate it when you buy a mixed bag of bulbs and you get beauties like these pop up, but you never know what they are! Have a good one too! 😀

@kathy - Good morning Kathy! 😀

@bigemrg Great picture Ian 👍🖐

@mikethegardener - Morning Mike! Thank you! 😀

Morning Ian..lovely...someone on here should know which it is ! 🤔🤣

I love this one very delicate and pretty 😊💛💛

@juliesgarden - Good morning Julie! Isn't it? I would hope so, although there are that many different varieties nowadays the exact one could be difficult to pin down! 😀
Early Spring 2018

Good morning GTers! My favourite #daffodil this year has to be this beauty with its white petals and split yellow corona! It's just one of a bunch of daffs that feature in my weekly photo #blog, which you can view at the following link if you're interested - Have a terrific Thursday everyone! 😀

Morning Ian, what a stunner 💛💛

@pelly - Good morning Jane! Isn't it? It's the first time I've seen these split corona varieties! Will definitely be looking out for them to grow next year! 😀

Oh wow , that’s a beauty Ian 💛💛💛

A stunner Ian 😁

@juliesgarden - It's gorgeous isn't it Julie! 😀

@Muzz67 - Thanks Jacqui! 😀

Woah! 💛 #bestofapril

Evening Ian @bigemrg isn’t that just Amazing 💛👌

Wow! That’s lovely! Not seen one of these before!

@brightcolours - Thanks very much Katie! 😀

@jadojado29 - Evening Suzie! It's a stunner isn't it? 😀
Early Spring 2018

Good morning GTers! It's #daffodil season! Have a terrific Tuesday everyone! 😀 #yellow #orange

Morning Ian looking good with their petticoats on 💛💘💛💘

Morning Ian @bigemrg well this has certainly brightened up the GT page Great pic 💛👌

Wow. A blast of colour Ian. Just what we all need 👍

@Keely - Morning Keely! Hehe! They go with the little bloomers my Muscari are wearing! 😀

@jadojado29 - Good morning Suzie! Thanks! Better put your shades on! 😀

@jendren - Thanks Nicola! It's chucking it down here so I thought a blast of colour would go down well! 😀

Beautiful photo

😎 there you go Ian @bigemrg 😂

@kathy - Thanks very much Kathy! 😀

@jadojado29 - Hehe! Shame they're of no use outside today! ☔☔☔😞

Morning Ian , that’s lovely 💛💛
Late Winter 2018

Good morning GTers! Don't you love peeking into the petals of a pretty flower? This is just one of the images in my weekly photo #blog which you can see at the following link if you're interested - Have a terrific Thursday everyone! 😀 #yellow #daffodil #macro

Morning Ian, it's great to see how your dad's Camellia has recovered, and so quickly too, isn't Mother Nature wonderful 😊😊

@pelly - Morning again Jane! It's amazing what difference a week makes! 😀

Super! 💛

Morning Ian that's dazzling 💛💛💛

Morning Ian @bigemrg Did you crawl inside that Daffodil to take this pic 👌😍

@brightcolours - Thanks very much Katie! 😀

@Keely - Morning Keely! It is isn't it? It's only one of a handful of the larger ones that have opened so far! 😀

@jadojado29 - Morning Suzie! Yes, I'm taking tips from my bug buddies! 😀

Loving the new fishy friend Ian kinda cute for a fish 😁

@Keely - Me too Keely! He's definitely one of my more colourful chaps! Need to think up a name for him - to go with Polly! 😀

I love when there’s tiny flowers inside 😀
Late Winter 2018

Good morning GTers! With the first #daffodil of the year opening at the weekend I was certain spring had arrived! Boy, was I wrong! This is just one of the stars of my weekly photo #blog which you can see at the following link if you're interested - Have a great day everyone and keep safe and warm! 😀 #yellow

Morning Ian it's a fabulous photo wish the sky was like this today and you could actually see the dad heads right now it's a white out 😬💛

Morning Mr wind is up here and boy does it look cold ❄️❄️ stay warm and safe 👍🏻☺️

Morning Ian @bigemrg bitterly cold one this morning & looks quite treacherous out there. Hope your day is good one stay warm & safe be extra careful if you go out ❄️

Morning Ian, are we sure it’s 1st March , doesn’t feel like that 🤣🤣 stay warm ☺️

Morning Ian, I wish the sky was that blue this morning..I’ve currently got a vortex of snow going off outside my window 😬😬😬


Morning Ian. Certainly feels like deep mid winter today! Oh! Bring back the sunshine and Daffs!

Beautiful picture roll on Spring 🤗

@bigemrg Afternoon Ian. Great photo 👏

@Keely - Afternoon Keely! Thank you! Yeah, bit of a change in the weather since Sunday when I took this! Currently we've got about three inches of snow outside! I don't like it! 😀

@nessas - Afternoon Vanessa! Lots of snow here today so I've been indoors hard at work! Think I may have finished for the day now though! 😀
Mid Spring 2017

Good morning GTers! What a wet miserable grey start to the week it is! At least the last few remaining #daffodil are brightening up my patio area! Have a good Monday everyone! 😀 #white

Morning Ian, it's grey and drizzly here too, but I'm not complaining as I have just re-seeded part of my lawn and it saves me having to water it. Have a great day. 😊😊😊

Thanks Ian 😊

@pelly - Morning Jane! No, it's quite welcome really, and will motivate me to do work instead of potter about in the garden! 😀

@suerichards - Morning Sue! 😀

Morning Ian, same here and rain forecast , whether we get it here is another matter 🤣. Enjoy your day 😊

@juliesgarden - Good morning Julie! Yes, the weather forecasters seem to have lost the plot recently don't they? Enjoy your day too! 😀

Whatba beauty Ian. Goodnight and hope you have a super day😴😎

@SikoMa - Good evening Dar! Thank you! Sleep tight! 😀

Morning Ian yup def a wet one Great for garden while Im at work 😄

@Keely - Morning Keely! Yes my pots look like they're enjoying it! 😀

Morning Ian, have a good day whatever the weather 😀
Early Spring 2017

Good morning GTers! I've got quite a few of these unusually shaped #yellow #daffodil popping up at the moment! They're supposed to be variety Tete-a-Tete but obviously they're not! Does anyone know what variety they actually are? Thanks! 😀

@latebloomer - Thanks Deborah! Will let you know if I find out! 😀

Morning. Is the wind just blowing against it Ian? 😂 I'm absolutely no help am I 🙄

I like it 😚

@susanhumphrey333 - Hehe! It does look a bit windswept doesn't it Sue? 😀

@charlottejhurst - Me too Charlotte! 😀

Morning Ian 👋 I've got white ones with petals blown back too 🤔

@bigemrg This is Narcissus cyclamineus • A member of Division 6, which includes all the hybrids therefrom • Yours could be Little Witch

@greenfinger14 - Good afternoon Melanie! Ooh, I like the sound of those! 😀

@ianshaw - Thanks very much for the information Ian! It's always nice to put a name to a flower! 😀

No sorry Ian ,but defo nog tête-à-tête, still lovely though 💛

@latebloomer - Seems like we have an ID - Narcissus 'Little Witch' 😀
Mid Spring 2016

Nearly forgot the #yellow challenge today, and seeing as though my daffs have decided to put in an appearance, they fit the bill perfectly! Thought I could take my shot of whiskey in this one later on! 😀

Fab make it a double 🍹

Beautiful photo enjoy your whiskey Ian @bigemrg :)

Yes please
Mid Spring 2016

Well would you believe it? The remainder of my daffodils have begun to show up! #white #daffodil

They wanted to surprise you!

Better late than never 😂😃

They wanted a sunbathe Ian 😂😂
Mid Spring 2016

My #daffodil bulbs have been slow to appear this year, and lots have come up blind! The ones that have appeared have looked quite lovely though, like this #white one!

Looks perfect great picture 🤗

Beautiful 😍


Very pretty. Definitely says spring.


Running out of adjectives now Ian! Perfection though!! 👌👌

@godfreye @debs69 @titchyfra @sara2309 @brightcolours @mikethegardener - Thank you all so much! 😀

Mid Spring 2016

Another one of the pretty #white #daffodil that surprised me this morning...

Amazing photo! ☀️

lovely pic :)

Thank you @karlpape007 and @Squares - it helps a lot to have such a beautiful subject! 😄

Ooh! 💛 #bestof2016

Mid Spring 2016

Had a nice surprise this morning when this #white #daffodil with an #orange #red trumpet appeared!

Great photo #macro 🙂

beautiful ☺

Super. #bestof2016

Lovely bloom 😍
Early Spring 2016

Daffodils that were blown over by storm Katie now sitting in a vase on my kitchen windowsill! #yellow

Beautiful. #cutflowers

Thank you @brightcolours 😊

Brilliant image !!!

Thanks very much @mytowngarden 😊

It was very apparent you are a photographer, I was attracted to this image by the lovely depth of field 📷👌

@mytowngarden - Ha! Ha! You found me out! Glad you like it! 😊
Early Spring 2016

My first daffodil of the 2016 growing season!
Good morning GTers! It's always nice to see a #yellow #daffodil against a blue sky don't you think? Have a super safe Sunday everyone! 😀
Morning Ian 😊
@anges - Good morning Ange! 😀
@Sesiltamen - Definitely! 😀
Wow! What a great back drop for a super yellow Daff 😊😊💛💛💙💙
@midnightgardener - Thanks Christine! Gotta love a blue sky! 😀
What a glorious picture 😍
@DeborahBanks - Thanks Deborah! 😀