Late Summer 2016
Mid Summer 2016

Well isn't that typical? Been stuck at the computer all week itching to get outside, and when I get the whole afternoon to do some gardening, the heavens open when I've just started to cut back my viburnum and pyracantha bushes! Oh well, at least I've got a second #waterlily open in my dustbin water feature! 😀

@latebloomer - Thank you Deborah! No point being negative is there? It won't achieve anything! 😀

Much the same here Ian I had to come in out of the garden raining got a bit done earlier. Hope it brightens up later on. Lovely picture 🤗

@godfreye - Thanks Enid! Blasted weather always seems to thwart our plans! I've been cleaning my shed out instead! I'm hoping to get a potting bench installed in there before next spring! You wouldn't believe how much rubbish I've taken out already! Will take me about 10 trips to the tip to get rid of everything! 😀

Lovey Ian 👌🏻😍

@nessas - Thanks Vanessa! 😀

I was wondering when to cut viburnums back is it time mine at back is taking over but seems to be getting flower buds on it

@Keely - Actually Keely I'm not sure it is the right time to cut them back now! I just need to create some space so I can get behind my pond so I can rebuild my rockery! 😀

Oh ok, I do keep nibbling it a bit anyway so new plants get a bit of light lol 😀

Beautiful shot Ian. I'd just extended my hosepipe run so I could water all the way down to the woodland when the heavens opened on me. How ironic! At least the rain will save me some money on the water bill ☺

@rusty - Thanks Sandra! That's Sod's Law at work right there! 😀

@bigemrg I'd like to see a pic of your water feature now😊
Good morning GTers! What an uncomfortable evening that was! At least the #waterlily plants living in my pond seem to be enjoying the warm water! Hope you all have a wonderful day! 😀
Good morning Ian😀
@yodamama - Good morning June! 😀
Morning Ian I agree tossed n turned all night wet day today for Yorkshire have a good day 😁
@Keely - Good morning Keely! Was forecast rain here too but it hasn't materialised yet! Looks like I'll be watering again soon! 😀
Morning 🤓 it was a tad sticky 😳
Its dull and gloomy here in essex this morning but actually quite nice after last nights hot and stickyness! Think we are supposed to get thunder storms today?? Maybe?
It's funny as I had rain. Big splodgy rain . 😂 love a waterlily
@debs69 - Morning Debra! Yes, that's a very good way to describe it! 😀
@karlamann - Good morning Karla! Similar forecast here in Hampshire! Didn't happen last night though! 😀
@charlottejhurst - Absolutely nothing here Charlotte! 😀
Morning Ian , everyone , not much sleep again here either , bit of a sea breeze today though which is very welcome 😀