How are you getting on with RHS level 2? Is it really hard? I just sat my exam for level 1. (I've not had results back yet). I thoroughly enjoyed it and was contemplating perhaps applying for level 2 in the next year or two. I would love to have your feedback.
Hi @veggrower - I haven't done any exams for L2 yet but it's a good course which I'm sure you'd enjoy if you have some horticultural knowledge already! The first lesson I found hard - plant botany, very science-based
Lovely waterlily in the morning sunlight
How are you getting on with RHS level 2? Is it really hard? I just sat my exam for level 1. (I've not had results back yet). I thoroughly enjoyed it and was contemplating perhaps applying for level 2 in the next year or two. I would love to have your feedback.
Hi @veggrower - I haven't done any exams for L2 yet but it's a good course which I'm sure you'd enjoy if you have some horticultural knowledge already! The first lesson I found hard - plant botany, very science-based
Thanks for your feedback @cwakefield84 - I was wondering about the botany bit!!!! 😱😱😱