Polygonatum multiflorum
Mid Spring 2019
Late Spring 2017

Seeing as though it's #white theme day I thought I'd do a bit of plant cataloguing of images I've not uploaded yet! This was my first year growing Soloman's Seal and it did me proud at the end of spring! 😀
Good afternoon all! Was peeking through the greenery at the Solomon's Seal blooms earlier today! Don't you just love the green tips to the flowers? Hope everyone is having a lovely sunny day! 😀 #solomonsseal
Great photo Ian 🧡🧡
Great photo! I love everything about the way Solomon seal comes out.
@juliesgarden - Thanks Julie! 😀
@rbetts25 - Thank you Richard! I know what you mean! They're fantastic plants! 😀
@columbiariver - Many thanks Laura! 😀