Polygonatum multiflorum
Solomon's seal
Mid Spring 2020
- 4
Early Spring 2020
- 3
Mid Spring 2019
- 6
Mid Spring 2018
- 2
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Early Spring 2018
- 1

Polygonatum multiflorum
Mid Spring 2020
Early Spring 2020

Loads coming up again this year. I really hope the sawfly dont completely strip it like last year I end up with a big gap as I end up cutting it all back due to the sheer quantity of them.

I used old fashioned fly paper above the plants when the saw flies were laying their eggs. Caught loads! Also rubbed off any eggs as soon as I saw them. It’s so devastating isn’t it?

@joanboston Did you get any other insects. I have lots of solitary bees, bumblebees, moths and butterflies in my garden.
Mid Spring 2019

Its grown massively in the last 4 days. It seems to be taking over this area of the flower bed. Apologies for the anti cat netting in front of it.

It sounds like magical

@jyotu We've had a lot of warm sunny weather the last week and now it's raining so everything has started to shoot up.

Thanks looking great, I goggled it and i love those white bell like flowers. Rainy weather is good for sprouting seeds & cuttings 👍

@jyotu It very much is ans where I live it rains most of the year on and off. Wales is wet. I'm just hoping that the rose buds I spotted dont get spoiled by it. I'm really looking forward to them opening

They rot or got fungus in rain water, hope you get some beautiful flowers
Mid Spring 2018

At least 3 of the spikes are now in flower with the other 13 in at verisious stages. Hope the bees like it as much as the bay and gooseberry bush flowers

Mid Spring 2018

I now seem to have 16 spike come up with some nearly ooen plus a further 5 in pots to go to other people
Early Spring 2018

So far 8 spikes coming up in the flower bed an 2 in each of the 2 pots. Winter 2016 i thought i had lost it after contractors my landlord had in took the kitchen chimley down threw it down onto the soloman seal and dug up much of it leaving a hole they tryed to cover up with multi perpose compost i had. I was not happy and made sure my landlord and his mother inlaw knew it. But it has sevived with even more spikes coming up this spring than last spring.
#wildlifewednesday a flutterby happly sunning its self.
Beautiful Speckled Wood, excellent photo
Thank you @solly1961 and especially thank you for naming the butterfly I didnt know which it was and the books I would normaly check are at work.
Thank you @cyndi