Taraxacum officinale
Mid Spring 2019
- 15
Early Spring 2019
- 24
Mid Spring 2017
- 52
Mid Spring 2016
- 13

Taraxacum officinale
Mid Spring 2019
Early Spring 2019

Good morning GTers! Got to love a #dandelion don't you? They seem to be going to seed early this year! Have a fab Friday everyone! 😀 #seed #abstract #macro

Good morning Ian lovely picture have a good day🤗

Morning Ian, thankfully I haven’t found any.........yet!! 😱😂

Morning Ian what a stunning picture of something we all dislike...🤣

Good morning Ian. Brilliant photo ....haven't actually seen one as yet thankfully. Enjoy your day 👋🙂

@godfreye - Morning Enid! Thanks! You too! 😀

@pelly - Good morning Jane! We've got hundreds here already! 😀

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom - Morning Elaine! Thank you! If the bees like them, then I like them! 😀

@flof1952 - Good morning Pauline! Thank you very much! There are hundreds here! Enjoy your day too! 😀

@ukjohnny - Thanks very much John! 😀

One of nature’s great successes, and a fantastic photo!

I do! Amazing structures!
Mid Spring 2017

Good morning GTers! It's #wildlifewednesday once again! Where did the last week go? Don't forget to leave a few #dandelion blooms for the #bees to enjoy! Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! 😀 #bug #bugs #insect #wildlife #bee

Morning Ian 😄 don't worry there are a few 😉😉🤤

@charlottejhurst - Morning Charlotte! Yay! 😀

Morning again. Brilliant photo Ian 🐝🐝🐝

Morning Ian

@pelly - Thank you Jane! 😀

Morning @tina 😀

Good morning Ian ......there always a few in my garden. Brilliant photo. Enjoy your day :)

@flof1952 - Good morning Pauline! Thank you! I always think that the bees seem to prefer them! 😀

Morning Ian 👌👍💛

@Keely - Good morning Keely! 😀

Great photo Ian 🐝
Mid Spring 2016

I usually don't let my dandelions go to seed, but they do look pretty and satisfy my photographic urges! lol 😀

Great photo !

I think they're pretty too

Amazing photo

Nice shot! One year's seed, seven year's weed! Lol ;)

Still hard to resist the occasional blowing of seeds - childhood memories 😊

#dandelion #bestof2016 #seed #BeePlant

I end up with the dandelion and thistle seeds from next doors fields! Impossible 😢

@leslienorman @titchyfra @clickchick @gardengimp @riakat @brightcolours @SylviaDavies - Thank you all! 😀


Fab shot 👍👍

Really beautiful 📷💕
Good morning GTers! What better way to celebrate #yellow than with a humble #dandelion bloom! Have a marvellous Monday everyone! 😀
Morning Ian 🐝🐝🐝
@anges - Good morning Ange! 😀
Good morning Ian bright and cheerful flower lovely sunny day🤗
@godfreye - Morning Enid! They definitely shine in the weather we've been having don't they? 😀
Morning Ian 💛
@juliesgarden - Good morning Julie! 😀
They are too, I have lots of them! 🤣
@kathy - I think I have more than my fair share too Kathy! They're important for the bees though so I don't mind keeping them! 😀
The birds are enjoying the seeds on mine as well🤙🏻
@kathy - Fantastic! Haven't noticed the birds near mine! Will have to keep an eye out for them! 😀
I love dandelions, as do the bees. So I’m happy to have a few 🌼