Cyclamen (Hardy)
Mid Autumn 2022
- 2
Mid Spring 2022
- 1
Mid Winter 2020
- 3
Mid Winter 2020
- 1
Late Autumn 2019
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
- 4
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Mid Autumn 2019
- 1
Early Spring 2019
- 1
Late Winter 2019
- 1
Mid Winter 2019
- 5
Early Winter 2019
- 15
Early Winter 2019
- 1
Early Winter 2018
- 8
Late Autumn 2018
- 1
Mid Autumn 2018
- 5
Early Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 6
Early Autumn 2018
- 13
Early Autumn 2018
- 3
Late Summer 2018
- 4
Late Summer 2018
- 15

Mid Autumn 2022
Mid Spring 2022

This is one survivor #cyclamen been going on for a few years and keeps fighting to stay alive 😁
Mid Winter 2020

Love the different shades on this #pink #cyclamen #februaryblooms

There are so many different ones now aren’t there? Lovely colours 👌🏼

@richard.spicer.7906 I think cyclamen are such a pretty plant 😊
Mid Winter 2020

#cyclamen #cerise #februaryblooms
Late Autumn 2019

#cyclamen #cerise 24/11/19
Mid Autumn 2019

#cyclamen #red 10/11/19

They look lovely at this twisted stage ❣️

I only noticed them because I was digging out my gazania and dahlias! @kez001uk so I’m looking forward to seeing them properly now!!

That’s a very red Cyclamen...😘
Mid Autumn 2019

#cyclamen #pink flowers coming through 💕10/11/19
Mid Autumn 2019

#cyclamen #foliagefriday 25/10/19
Early Spring 2019

#pink #cyclamen seem to be losing some of their pinkness! 05/04/19
Late Winter 2019

#cyclamen #pink 10/03/19
Mid Winter 2019

#mondaymotivation #cyclamen #pink love it 💕 28/01/19

So Beautiful! I Have These On My Wishlist! ☺️

Those grow so well over there where many of you live outside the USA but I’m sure in northern US they do well! Their so dynamic with the colors! I love em but they don’t stand for this Texas heat😥🤭🤗🤗😊💕

They are lovely 😊 @PoppyBloom

Yes they definitely prefer the cooler temperatures I think 😊 @terrimclaughlin
Early Winter 2019

#cyclamen #thinkpink 15/01/19

That's a gorgeous colour 💖

It’s a beautiful flower Alison 😊💕

Thanks @anges @gjones @richard.spicer.7906 I think at the moment this is my favourite of my two cyclamen! But it changes frequently! 😊

I posted these pictures quickly before I even had time to read exactly why #thinkpink so this is for my mum, partner and friend who have beaten or are fighting cancer and also remembering the several relatives and a very close friend who have died because of this horrible disease

@bluefox23 thank you for sharing 💖💗💖😘

Your partner had his results back?

Kerry, he saw consultant yesterday and last scan again inconclusive. So now got to have an MRI but if that’s inconclusive he will have to have a CT scan with contrast (which they’ve avoided as he has declining kidney function) but they might have to do it anyway and he would then end up on dialysis. If they have to remove kidney then he will still end up on dialysis. So either way it’s not great. Just hoping MRI is conclusive that he doesn’t have it otherwise it’s not great. @kez001uk

My heart goes out to you. What a struggle that so many of us experience. In sending all the strength that I can muster💜💜💜💜.

Thanks @kimguy such a difficult time but my garden/plants are helping me out. I hope you are looking after yourself and I love your positive attitude. Unfortunately, suffering from anxiety and depression, I often go to negative thoughts first and have to train myself to be positive.

Hi Alison, the attitude is the result of years of work and treatment for severe depression with anxiety. Don't be afraid to get help if you are in need! Mental health is just as important as physical health. Depression likes to play tricks on your mind by sending all that negativity. I'm sure I may become angry or sad at some point but I will not allow it to linger. Hang in there.😎💜

@bluefox23 I’m so sorry you’re still no further forward 😔 it’s so hard not having answers, like being in limbo. But I’ll be thinking of you both and hoping for a positive outcome 😊 stay strong 😘
Early Winter 2019

#cyclamen #thinkpink ish more like #cerise 15/01/19
Early Winter 2018

#cyclamen #red #winter 23/12/18

Beautiful ❤️

That's a lovely bright red.

Thanks @dpkgujar 😊

It is a very pretty and festive red 😊 @lilybee

Fab photo ❤

Thanks @anges my new phone is definitely taking better photos than my old one! 😊

That's good 😉
Late Autumn 2018

Not posted a photo of my #cyclamen recently. This #pink one is doing better than my cerise one. Love the #raindrops too! 01/12/18
Mid Autumn 2018

My #cyclamen have foliage of different shades of green #foliagefriday 26/10/18

The patterns on the leaves are so pretty aren’t they 🤩

Prettiest leaves I’ve got I think! @kez001uk 😁

@bluefox23 when I bought mine I picked the leaf patterns instead of flower colour 🤣🤣🤣

😂😂 @kez001uk
Early Autumn 2018

#foliagefriday #cyclamen 05/10/18
Early Autumn 2018

#cyclamen Loving the sharp colour of this. It does have a slightly more touch of pink than the photo shows, a cerise, if you will!! 😊 04/10/18

@bluefox23 Lovely colour. 💖❤

Beautiful ❤️

Thank you @anges @kez001uk @gjones I love it! The leaves are as interesting and pretty as the flowers aren't they? 😊

@bluefox23 they are yes👍😊

@bluefox23 certainly are. Going to look for some tomorrow after seeing these 😁
Early Autumn 2018

#cyclamen also record of where I've potted 5 #fritillaria and 5 #tulip bulbs 24/09/18 Isn't it great when your trainers match your plants!! @rachelbrooks @scaryskates 😉😂 I do have another foot!! Somehow it didn't end up in the photo!, 😂😂

Rocking it babe! 👌🏼😉 just thought you’d had a glass or two before you started and were a bit legless! 😜😂

😂😂😂 only noticed the colour match and odd foot after I took photo!! 😉😂😂. @rachelbrooks

Gosh you are planting tulips early 😕 cyclamens look lovely 💗💗

@keely oh is it too early? I’ve still got others to plant but waiting for my zinnias to finish in other pots!! The packet said plant sept-Dec and I wanted to get cyclamen planted so put the bulbs in! 😬

It's a tad too early ok for dafs, hyacinths n muscari but tulips are best mid to late Oct even early Nov if it's too warm it could start them off and the frost will get the tips beforehand which will result in them rotting Hun 😮

Suppose digging them up again now won’t do them any good either! These 5 might have to be an experiment then and sacrificed if necessary! I’ll plant the other tulip bulbs much later! I just get impatient!!! @keely

As the temps have dropped already you should be fine. Anytime now to end of Oct for bulbs. 😊

I would wait to do your others personally, the temp during the day is still quite warm just drops on a night worth experimenting though If they do ok and you plant others later you will have a few weeks off spring flowers at different times 😄

I made the same mistake with some Tulips last year and I had a really poor show, luckily I’d only planted one lot before I was given this advice Alison 👍👍

Ok @pelly 🤞🏼 fingers crossed these are ok but I'll save the others and hope they'll definitely be ok! If not, I'm no worse off than last year, except the £2 for the bulbs!!

I hope they are. I’m hoping to get all my other bulbs in this week save the Tulips. I’ve still got quite a few to go 😍😍
Early Autumn 2018
Late Summer 2018

I think the foliage on the #cyclamen is really pretty #foliagefriday 😊 💚 31/08/18

Very lovely 💚

Thanks @harebell 😀

Me too 👍
Late Summer 2018

These fell into my trolley in Sainsbury’s this morning!! £1!!! Couldn’t resist! Only problem is I have no idea where I’m going to put them for now! They’ll have to stay in their pots! 🤦🏼♀️ I’m a plantaholic!! 😂 #cyclamen #pink

I like them but as soon as the temps drop below 4 degrees they wilt so need protection in winter 👍

Oooh they are a good buy, I had to put shelves up yesterday to cater for all newbies lol

@ublaszko I'll bear that in mind. That might be why I can't always keep them going!, 🙄😂

Yes I thought so too @Keely shelves are a good idea! 😂

I was thinking of putting some shelves for my new dahlia to keep it off the ground from slugs and snails 😅😂😂 @Keely

The one I bought last year only lasted 2 weeks because we had early frosts. Hopefully, you'll get to enjoy it for longer and you can bring it in for winter but don't water near the crown as they are really prone to powdery mildew. Best to water them from below 👍 I'm too stingy to buy these and then end up throwing them away 2 months later 😂😂😂

Urszula, I just hope they last long enough for me to pot them up when my annuals are done!! @ublaszko 🙄😂😂

Good idea they have ravaged mine this year 😣

But with luck (and a dry, sheltered, rockery spot) they can go on for years muliplying and flowering profusely

Great thanks for the advice @valjones-hughes 😊

Hmm, they will last longer than your annuals if you provide winter protection from cold temperatures and crown rot. 👍 These big flowered cyclamen are not as hardy as the ones you see growing under trees (cyclamen coum or hederifolium) and they wilt as soon as temperatures drop to near zero. Your annuals should last until first frost as well so until about November. 😉👍
Bought reduced a few weeks ago but looking lovely #cyclamen
Wow! This is gorgeous! 💘😍