Fuchsia 'Snowcap'
Fuchsia 'Snowcap'
Early Autumn 2022
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Late Summer 2022
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Mid Summer 2020
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Early Autumn 2019
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Early Autumn 2019
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Early Autumn 2019
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Late Summer 2019
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Late Summer 2019
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Mid Summer 2019
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 1
Early Summer 2019
- 9
Late Spring 2019
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Late Spring 2019
- 1
Late Spring 2019
- 1
Mid Spring 2019
- 6
Early Spring 2019
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Mid Autumn 2018
- 6
Mid Autumn 2018
- 4
Mid Autumn 2018
- 1
Early Autumn 2018
- 3
Early Autumn 2018
- 6
Late Summer 2018
- 5
Late Summer 2018
- 16
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 3
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Early Summer 2018
- 6
Early Summer 2018
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 1
Late Spring 2018
- 7
Late Spring 2018
- 12
Late Spring 2018
- 4
Mid Spring 2018
- 7
Mid Spring 2018
- 1
Mid Spring 2018
- 5
Early Spring 2018
- 11

Fuchsia 'Snowcap'
Early Autumn 2022
Late Summer 2022

Bought a replacement #fuchsia #snowcap for one that I lost last winter. 🤞🏼 this one makes it though the winter. The other one lasted 5 years!
Mid Summer 2020

#fuchsia #snowcap
Early Autumn 2019

#fuchsia #snowcap #autumncolour 05/10/19
Early Autumn 2019
Early Autumn 2019
Late Summer 2019
Late Summer 2019

#pink #fuchsia #snowcap buds 25/08/19
Mid Summer 2019

#snowcap #fuchsia 04/08/19
Early Summer 2019

Lots of flowers on my 3 #fuchsia #snowcap in this container 😊 05/07/19
Early Summer 2019

#fuchsia #snowcap flowering on my plant grown from cutting. 20/06/19 just noticed the spittlebug cuckoo spit! 🙄

The bloom looks huge. These have always been one of my favorites. And to have grown it from a cutting. Amazing. Great work. I’ve always loved the challenge of cuttings. 👍🏻👍🏻🤗😊💕

Wow that’s big🤗

Beautiful !! Good job on growing from cuttings. 😍😍

@terrimclaughlin I love fuchsias and so pleased that it’s easy to make new plants from cuttings 😊

Thanks @godfreye and on such a small plant 😊

Thanks @sherrisgarden I love how it’s so easy for these cuttings to take. And it’s such a pretty plant. I got a cutting from a friend and now I have 5 plants at different stages 😊

Alison, I'm happy to hear they grow easily from cuttings !! When my plant is mature, I'll try to do it.. about how long would you say it takes before you see growth ?

I’ve tagged you in an old photo of a cutting. A few weeks to root and then once it’s potted up, they fly!! @sherrisgarden
Late Spring 2019

#fuchsia #snowcap #perfectforpollinators #pink waiting for lots more flowers to open 16/06/19 #plantsforpollinators
Late Spring 2019

#fuchsia #snowcap grown from a cutting starting to flower. I need to plant this up!!! 😬 07/06/19
Late Spring 2019

Lots of flower buds on my #fuchsia #snowcap #mondaymotivation 03/06/19
Mid Spring 2019

#fuchsia #snowcap plant grown from cutting planted in ground. Hopefully it will be happy and bushy here! 05/05/19

Just checked the colours and it looks lovely, always thought red and white looked good on a fuchsia 👌🏼

It is a lovely fuchsia. Got a cutting from a friend a few years ago and now I have 5 plants as I keep taking cuttings 😁 @richard.spicer.7906

I’ve taken some via college, never done fuchsia cuttings before but think I managed to save a couple through winter, was hard fighting against the fungus gnats 😣

Yep they have been the Bain of my winter! My OH has resorted to spraying fly spray regularly much to my disgust! But he thinks the flies are coming in when I go out into the garden!! If he know they were living in the compost of the plants, he’d be on at me to get rid of all my plants!! 😂😂. Have found fuchsia cuttings take really well. Even had to take a cutting of a cutting that was dying because of fungus gnats!! 😬 @richard.spicer.7906

😂 oh I see, yes don’t let on that they are in the compost 🤫 impressed with the cutting from a cutting, sounds like the best way to save it!
Early Spring 2019
Mid Autumn 2018

#fuchsia #snowcap still blooming. Several flowers on it still. 💕😊 16/11/18

Nice one! Mine has finished a couple of weeks ago but I put it down to not deadheading spent flowers.

Oh thanks Alison, you've just given me a name for one of my unknown Fuchsias 😍😍

These are so pretty 💗 Miss mine 😫

It is a lovely fuchsia @pelly 😊

Isn’t it and I didn’t realise it was hardy either, I’ve put it in the greenhouse with the others 🙄🙄
Mid Autumn 2018

#fuchsia #snowcap #stillblooming #stillgoingstrong 31/10/18 💕😊

Cutie patootie 😍😍 Mine just finished flowering for this year.

I thought mine had! And then another set of buds appeared!! Think these will be the last though!! 🤷♀️😊 @ublaszko

Thanks @gjones 😊
Mid Autumn 2018

#fuchsia #snowcap #stillblooming #stillgoingstrong 23/10/18
Early Autumn 2018

Thought my #fuchsia #snowcap had finished flowering, but no! It's got several new flower buds 😊 07/10/18

So many things are still blooming I guess they waited for all those hot days to go away 🤣😂😊💕

I'm still waiting for it to actually open! 😊 @terrimclaughlin
Early Autumn 2018

#fuchsia #snowcap #cuttings potted on 07/10/18 currently #indoorplants

We have the same one! Didn't think of taking cuttings of my fushia - shame the weekend's over :(

Oh snap then! There's still time to take cuttings if you've got soft stems 😊 @charliebailey03

That’s great I’m hooked on doing cuttings I get so excited when it works 😊💕

I love doing cuttings too, but had a couple that have grown roots but not developed further after I potted them up. 😔 @terrimclaughlin

Late Summer 2018

#snowcap #fuchsia record of new #cuttings taken 15/09/18

Are you doing them in water or gel Alison?

Just water @bandicoot 😊

@sherrisgarden I just put a cutting in water and after a few weeks there’s enough roots to plant up 😊

Thanks very much. @bluefox23
Late Summer 2018

#snowcap #fuchsia Do these have seeds in? I must have missed some deadheading!! Are they ready to harvest? Do fuchsias grow ok from seed? I find it very easy to grow from cuttings but thought I might try from seed as well if they are viable? #help #advice #advice-fuchsia

They do have seeds in but I’m not sure when they’re ready. I’ve got a few on mine I’m leaving to try seeds too 😛

I've never tried all this different propagating before to create plants from plants. I love it!! @kez001uk

https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/fuchsia/harvesting-fuchsia-seeds.htm Kerry, I just found this @kez001uk

I have snowcap too! I haven't noticed any of these yet but there has been a second flowering. Did yours flower twice?

These form when the flowers fall off and if you haven’t deadheaded them. Mine flowered profusely throughout June, July and August and seemed pretty constant. It has still got 2 flowers on it so probably a small second flush. They’re very pretty aren’t they @charliebailey03

@bluefox23 I haven’t either but it’s fun 😁 thanks for the link, I’ll read up and hopefully get some success with seed grown fuchsias 😋 hope you do too Alison 😛

Thanks Kerry, you too! @kez001uk I've just cut a few off that were squidgy and cut them open. The seeds are teeny tiny!!

@bluefox23 you’re going to end up with a mass of new fuchsias 😂

And no idea where I'll put them all!! 😂😂😂 @kez001uk

@bluefox23 always room for a fuchsia or 30 😉😂🤣

Just pick off those berries when purple & soft & squish them on some paper. Just leave to try for a few days & you'll be able to pick off the tiny seeds, or leave them stuck to the paper until you're ready to plant them (surface sown) 👍
Late Summer 2018

#fuchsia #snowcap still going strong 😊 30/08/18
Mid Summer 2018

#pink #snowcap #fuchsia 💕🌸😊 04/08/18
Mid Summer 2018

#fuchsiafriday 20/06/18 #snowcap #fuchsia
Early Summer 2018
Early Summer 2018

#fuchsia 15/07/18 #snowcap
Early Summer 2018

These are doing so well. Full of buds and I’ve pinched it out more so it’s becoming more bushy. 06/07/18 #fuchsia #snowcap

It makes me fall in love

@jyotu They are gorgeous plants. 😊

Yeah i like em @bluefox23

Beautiful 😊💕

@terrimclaughlin the heat is making the outer petals less pink than they were but I love the frilly white bit!! 😊
Early Summer 2018

And my other #fuchsia that I've been taking cuttings from to make new plants, which are all looking bushy and starting to grow buds. 😊. 25/06/18 #snowcap
Late Spring 2018

#pink #fuchsia 16/06/18. 🌸💕💕 #snowcap
Late Spring 2018

#plantid still struggling to identify the variety of this fuchsia. 😊

Think it might be #citation

Contact National Collection Holder 😊

Hadn’t thought of that! Thanks 🙏🏼 @cosmicveggie 😊

Lovely 💚

Thanks @plants 😊

#snowcap #fuchsia
Late Spring 2018

01/06/18. Fuchsia potted up. Mum and her two cuttings. Smallest one probably not been hardened off long enough but was getting impatient! Fingers crossed this is a pot of fuchsia coloured loveliness. 🤗🤞🏼

@jaynehynesburton @pixierose Hopefully I followed all your guidance from before and they'll do well! 😊 Thanks.

With us as tutors how can you fail 🙄😂😂

@jaynehynesburton 😂😂😂 Only time will tell!!!!

😂😂 looking good so far

@bluefox23 Yay 😁 Hun looking great 👍🏼 My only thing that I’d have done is pinched it out again to make it more bushy. If you’re willing to wait a bit longer for it to flower I personally would pinch them out again. You’ll get more cuttings too. Your decision entirely to see what happens as is. 😊🙏🏼👍🏼

Agree with Christine otherwise it will grow long and stringy

@pixierose @jaynehynesburton ok. I was doing one cutting at a time to see how each fared and how the mother plant coped! I'll take another look at it then. 👍🏼

Alison you are growing plants, not breeding puppies 😂😂😂 @pixierose

😂😂😂 @jaynehynesburton Aww but these are like my babies! I need to toughen up, I know!! 🙄😊

@jaynehynesburton pmsl 😆🤣🤣🤣Sorry Alison but that just made me laugh 😆 my head off. You’re doing a great job. Confidence will come, be daring. 😊🙏🏼👍🏼

#snowcap #fuchsia
Late Spring 2018

#fuchsia #plantid #plantid-fuchsia 27/05/18 anyone know the Id of this fuchsia now it’s flowering. It’s a little bit pinker than than the photo makes it. Just need to harden off this cutting outside for a few days then I can pot them all up. 😊

Could be Laura maybe

@greenhouse thanks. I’ll look it up. I’ve just found an online database of them. I need to wait for it to open up more. Just getting impatient!!! 😊

#snowcap #fuchsia
Mid Spring 2018

First cutting on left doing really well. #fuchsia second cutting on right not rooting yet but looks like it's starting to develop flower buds! Should I pot it up? #advice #fuchsia-advice @jaynehynesburton Should I start leaving the original plant out overnight and in all weathers now so I can plant it soon? I've been putting it outside if weather nice and putting it into temporary greenhouse overnight as suggested.

When it's warm like now, get them out all the time, if you are putting them in borders get your slug pellets 😚

@jaynehynesburton I’m going to be putting the original one in a container and then add these cuttings when they’re a bit more mature and developed. I’ll leave the original plant out tonight then! I’ll put slug pellets around it in case!


@punkyky first attempt having been potted on (left) second attempt (right)

Awesome! Have for to try it!

Mid Spring 2018

Fuchsia cutting potted on. 26/04/18 #fuchsia #snowcap
Mid Spring 2018

Fuchsia cutting starting to root. 🤗 will take another one at some point. Thanks @jaynehynesburton @pixierose

Welcome Sweetie 😁

@bluefox23 you’re welcome Hun 😊🙏🏼👍🏼

This was my first attempt @punkyky

#fuchsia #snowcap
Early Spring 2018

#fuchsia #advice please. Grew this fuchsia inside from a cutting taken last year. Just wondering when is the best time to plant it out. I want to put it in a container outside. I have no idea how hardy it is. Or should I just keep it inside now? I know I didn't pinch it out early enough!

I would put it out at the beginning of May

Ok thanks @jaynehynesburton. I thought I had read that May was probably the best. I think it has red/pink and white flowers if I remember correctly what my friend told me, who gave me the cutting, but I could be wrong! Hopefully I'll find out in a month or two!

If you have had it indoors you could do with putting it in a coldframe to harden it off until it goes out

I don't have a cold frame. ☹️ I have one of those plastic greenhouses, would that do? Or my shed? Probably not! @jaynehynesburton

In the plastic greenhouse will be great and on nice days leave it outside and in the greenhouse at night

👍excellent. Will put it in there tomorrow then. Thanks @jaynehynesburton

Welcome 😁

@bluefox23 I always go with what my Granny used to say. “Never cast a clout til May is out” as a rule if the weather is conforming all chance of frost has gone. Keeping in also gives it a lovely head start. Give it a little prune and make some more plants and it’ll bush the plant out more and look even better than it does now. Looks really healthy. 😊👍🏼

Thanks @pixierose Good idea!

My fuchsias are loving life at the moment! #fuchsia #snowcap