Taraxacum officinale
Early Spring 2024
Early Spring 2020

And now, the Dandelion situation. I let them spread freely in my garden and even encourage my little one to blow the seeds all over the place (while my husband looks in horror with widened eyes). Last year I simply refused to remove any dandelion all summer. Trouble is, the leaves end of covering a lot of space and takes away from other summer flowers. So the plan is.. this year, I’ll wait for them to finish flowering and go to seed and THEN remove the ones that are in the main flower beds.

...thus making room for other flowers too. Good or bad strategy? 😬

@dirtgirlworld I got no fields!! 😃 So I need to make some room for them in the garden! Xx

@dirtgirlworld Dandelions for tea, interesting! Just the flowers? Thanks x

The bees must 😍 🐝 🐝 🐝 #earlynectar

@dirtgirlworld Oh I never use any sprays/weedkillers in my garden. They’re really bad for all little and big creatures roaming around. Xx

#beefriendly #pollinatorfriendly
Early Spring 2019

This is the story of how this little dandelion saved a 🐝 earlier. I followed the bee for a while, she was exhausted and famished and she couldn’t fly anymore, she was barely jumping from one spot to another when luckily she came across this “weed”, immersed herself in it for a few minutes, then took another moment to rest without moving, then flew away! To think that I wanted to remove these dandelion “weeds” from my garden. I will treasure these little yellow flowers as they save bees!

They do Carmen, the first food for bees after the winter. Once there’s others flowers about, I’ll pull them up, but not until then ☺️

I’ll try to keep them all this year.

Dandelions play an important role at this time of year for bees 🐝. Well done @carmen-sylva
🐝 need these “weeds”! Keep dandelions in your garden during spring, they are an important source of food for pollinators!
They are indeed 🐝🐝🐝🐝