Crocus speciosus subsp. speciosus
Crocus (Species) Bieberstein's Crocus
Late Summer 2023
- 1
Late Summer 2019
- 8
Late Summer 2018
- 2
Late Summer 2017
- 7
Late Summer 2016
- 5

Crocus speciosus subsp. speciosus
Late Summer 2023
Late Summer 2019

Definitely a #latesummer flower covered in dew, feeling autumnal this morning but hopefully the Indian summer we were promised will arrive today 😊 have a wonderful weekend lovelies 😊😊

I love these 😍

😃I've got three of these! They're fab. Mine are Dick Trotter ones (great name 😃) you can do great macros with these when they open up 💕💕

Brilliant name! @midnightgardener they splay open in the sun don’t they but not much of that lately!

@carole Yes they like sun, like the rest of us 😃my first one grew in 5 days! It said on the bag 6 weeks. Very quick for blooms with these. What's more I got a double bulb with the last one I bought. I-ve seen some nice purple ones online 😊😊

Mmmh might have to look for some more @midnightgardener these were inherited...

@carolecuttingitfine Mine are from Tong Garden Centre. They had Water Lilly ones as well 😊😊

Stop it @midnightgardener I’m so tempted 😂😂
Late Summer 2018

Hope the slugs 🐌 don’t get the #purple #autumncrocus

Looks fantastic Carole 💜. I moved mine and there’s no sign of them coming up. Must be sulking 😂
Late Summer 2017

#autumncrocus have suddenly appeared! Must've been the cold miserable autumn day we had yesterday.. here's hoping for a better day today 😊

Love these I have them on my wishlist for next year Carole, they are lovely .💕💕💕

I inherited these, but I do love them @pelly have a lovely day 😊

Beautiful little flower's Carole 💜

Mine have been out a couple of weeks..😕 nice but would rather they would hold off. Waiting for summer still 😂

Thats such a beautiful photo @carolecuttingitfine even if it is #autumnal tbh, the #summer has been so awful, I'll be relieved when its over!

We actually have had a good summer here in the South West just August not so brill @mattfeaton and @Patiorose and still hoping for an Indian summer 😂
Late Summer 2016

Please Help me identify this plant - it comes up every year at this time and gets eaten by slugs if I'm not careful! Such a lovely colour for this time of year..

Autumn crocus @carolecuttingitfine

Thank you @carolgs

#autumncrocus #crocus #slugs #crocus

@ukjohnny that's hilarious!! Love that!
Love these when they just suddenly appear!