Erysimum 'Red Jep'
Wallflower 'Red Jep'
Early Summer 2020
- 1
Early Summer 2020
- 1
Mid Spring 2020
- 7
Early Spring 2019
- 1

Erysimum 'Red Jep'
Early Summer 2020
Early Summer 2020

Wallflower cuttings
Mid Spring 2020

One plant I could not do without is Erysimum "Red Jep" - my first wallflower, which pretty much flowered all year since I bought it Spring 2019, not sure if this is normal for wallflowers. I'm definately saving the seed this year to ensure a real carpet of them, as well as to give to friends and neighboors. Let me know a plant you couldn't do without in the comments!

I feel the same about my Erysimum Bowles Mauve! I had Red Jep too but it didn't survive, must replace it. My other 'must haves' are Dicentra spectabilis and pretty much any hardy geraniums. Oh, and alliums!

Perennial Wallflowers are great! I have a few and they grow so easily from cuttings, definitely recommend cuttings over seed as its a guaranteed replica of the parent plant 🌿 💖 geranium 'rozanne' is one of my plants has earned its place in my top 5! Flowers all summer long 💜

They look great, hope my Bowles Mauve grow this well 😀 I couldn't do without Cranesbill - they look after themselves really 🌸

@tash74 I've always been fascinated with Dicentra but never grown it, I might have to try them when the shopd ste

@tash74 **when the shops are open :)

@anges @daisyrozanne Also never tried cranesbill! Will have to try those too
Early Spring 2019

Beautiful purple wallflower put into the border today
Gave the perennial wallflowers a haircut today as they had mostly just barren seed pods rather than flowers