Prunus cerasifera
Mid Summer 2021
- 1
Early Spring 2021
- 1
Early Spring 2019
- 6
Mid Summer 2018
- 2
Mid Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 1

Prunus cerasifera
Mid Summer 2021
Early Spring 2021

First ever blossoms 🥰
Early Spring 2019

What is wrong with my cherry plum tree? I have only noticed it today, the branches have all began to droop. Is this normal? They're not dry as it's raining right now.


@cyndi I got it as practically a twig for christmas 2017. We had it in a pot all of 2018, and if i remember correctly the leaves began to have a golden tint, scroll back on the pictures of the plant to see that. I think i planted it december 1st and everything has been fine until now, its leaves have come in nicely. We didnt stake it but only put in a stick that was in it with the pot, and we didnt tie it. Surrounding the tree are white thalia daffodils that have just begun to flower, as well

As some aquegelia i have transplanted from the allotment

It has not been fed and has been planted in line with where the roof of the pot's soil ended

@cyndi ah good! Do you think ill need to prune it this year?
Mid Summer 2018

My cherry plum is getting a slightly worrying colour to the leaf however, does anybody have an idea of what this might be?

Mid Summer 2018

My cherry plum is getting a slightly worrying colour to the leaf however, does anybody have an idea of what this might be?
Mid Summer 2018

For christmas my brother gave me a Cherry Plum sapling, and it's grown so fast from just a little twig!
First ever cherry plums after 3 years! Not the best taste I'm afraid but looking forward to more blossom in spring