- Mid Summer 2020
- 4
- 4
- Early Summer 2020
- 7
- 1
- Late Spring 2020
- 5
- 2
- Late Spring 2020
- 10
- 1
- Late Spring 2020
- 12
- 1
- Late Spring 2020
- 6
- 1
- Late Spring 2020
- 5
- 1
- Mid Spring 2020
- 9
- 2
- Mid Spring 2020
- 6
- 2
- Mid Spring 2020
- 5
- 2
- Mid Summer 2020
- 4
- Early Summer 2020
- 7
#catalina #canna 3 different branches now that that little guy in the bottom left popped up!!! #excited #new-leaves 6.25.20
- Late Spring 2020
- 5
New leaf near the base of #catalina and 1 thats very twirled up still plus little spider hanging out but dont think any web he made will hold up with rain showers coming #nature #canna #newleafs 6.8.20
- Late Spring 2020
- 10
#catalina moved✔ #canna 6.3.20
- Late Spring 2020
- 12
#catalina #newleaves #cander back there too these two have been loving the rain and are vigorously growing 5.27.20
- Late Spring 2020
- 6
#catalina #canna #newleaf #growth
- Late Spring 2020
- 5
Did the same for #catalina now stalk showing! At least im fixing my oppsies as fast as im realizing them👏 #dontplanttoodeep #rescueplant #canna #replanted #improvement 5.20.20 #thankyougt
- Mid Spring 2020
- 9
#catalina has #unraveled her new leaf completely! 5.18.20
New leaf started today! 5.19.20
- Mid Spring 2020
- 6
Doing great untwirling like a champ #canna #leaf #rain
#catalina #proudmama
- Mid Spring 2020
- 5
Canna #1 in her new home #intheground i'll call her #Catalina #cataloging shes more damaged but new leaves will replace these in no time i predict alot of groth from this #rainy week to come!
Thats what someone said when i posted them in a container that theyll get tall and wide i took that into cosideration when picking location for them@cindy
Okay what?! Check this out guys! it's like these 2 leaves got caught together because the top one must have fallen down and drooped while waiting on water because I noticed this earlier today when watering but they were still stuck together like this tonight while i was out getting #night-shots of #cannaindica #crazy 8.5.20
That’s weird. I’m seeing some things here that aren’t normal too. 🙂
I did see web and then noticed another web on a different canna that's was super white and thick and now I'm going outside with pesticides @cyndi
I've read alot about the leafrollers now I'm going to leave them alone and let them butterfly and surely my canna will be okay I ran out of pesticides anyway @cyndi thanks for the info!