Helianthus annuus 'Russian Giant'
Sunflower 'Russian Mammoth'
Late Spring 2020
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Late Spring 2020
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Mid Spring 2020
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Mid Spring 2020
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Mid Spring 2020
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Mid Spring 2020
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Helianthus annuus 'Russian Giant'
Late Spring 2020
Late Spring 2020

I tried to give the #sunflower on the left in back of my flower bed some support but i dont think its gonna get enough sun cuz of my #darntree but we'll see

Hope so 🙂

Right?! @jeriann it gets its light from the first half of the day at least?🤗

They need at least 6 hours sun to reach their full potential. Less sun the flower stalk might he shorter and the flowers smaller and fewer.

Well they said on seed package up to 12 feet! but ill probly end up moving over by my #cannas theres no trees @lesliecole49
Mid Spring 2020

#trellis #sunflowersprout #grownfromseed #tinytrellis #popciclesticktrellis
Mid Spring 2020

Never attempted any kind of #trellis before but i had to do something with my sunflowers they were wilting a little.. I thinned them further and found some popciclesticks i had bought for crafts with my little ones and some string from my sewing kit from dollar tree and then even managed a double on this one! #impressedmyself #sunflowersprout #grownfromseed #popcicletrellis #tinytrellis

@cindy oh wow it gets so much cooler then i realized with little popcicle sticks!!! I tried looking up hashtags on GT for something similar to what i ended up doing and found nothing so i just did the best i could. But in the future i can build structures or walls out of these thank you!
Mid Spring 2020

Theres a couple morning glories in there(blue and red containers) but these #sunflowers are getting tall my next day outside will be putting these in the ground! Given away a little and still plan of gifting more of these! ☀💜🌻
Mid Spring 2020

These sprouts with the shells on there just makes me giggle.. Its my first time growing sunflowers, am i supposed to remove these? Ive just left them and some have fallen off so i figured not a big deal

Lol I just leave'em, unless they're preventing the cot leaves from opening up, but yours all seem fine.

Are these first leaves going to fall off and regrow "true first leaves" before they are ready to go in the ground?
5.25.20 #outside-sunflower
#newgrowth #moreleaves