Senecio rowleyanus
String of Pearls
Mid Summer 2019
- 0
Early Winter 2018
- 2
Early Winter 2018
- 2
Mid Autumn 2018
- 5

Senecio rowleyanus
Mid Summer 2019
Early Winter 2018

So happy to see them happy 😊 #pearls #stringofpearls #flower #senecio

Beautiful flowers and scented so wonderfully. ❤
Early Winter 2018

Update on my pearls. They are doing really well now especially considering just two months ago they were so sad and I almost thought they were going to die. Now they are getting ready to give me some cute flowers 😊😊

Mid Autumn 2018

I moved house recently and my string of pearls pot fell over in the move and got a bit squished. A lot were damaged and they got sunburnt sitting in the car :( I thought they were dying for good. Now two months since the move, I’ve topped them up with some new soil and I’m finally seeing some new growth and they are looking happy again. Yippee. They were very full before - couldn’t see any soil in the pot. And had about 10 strings hanging 30cm or so. Looking forward to getting them going again.

They look good to me! Theyll probably grow even thicker for you now 😉

@Muzz67 I hope so 😊😊 I get excited when I check on them and see new growth haha

Mine is still tiny but finally growing ! Hehe

#senecio #stringofpearls