Dicentra Formosa
Late Winter 2019
Mid Spring 2018

My bleeding ❣has finally arrived despite the cold, wind and rain 😀 #bleedingheart

Morning all. Things are popping up all over the place at the mo’. Have a great day 😀 #bleedingheart #newgrowth
Morning Steve, that’s looking very promising. They’re one of my favourite spring plants 🌸🌸
Morning Steve, look at that colour ❤️
Morning Jane. I love the way each shoot seems to be holding hands with the next. I split them with a spade every year so they’re gradually spreading around the garden too. 👍 @pelly
Morning Julie 😀 @juliesgarden
Way ahead of mine! Love how they unfurl
Always one of the first things to get going 😀👍 @rachelbrooks
That’ll be the Mediterranean climate you have! 🤨
I'm not sure mine are big enough to split yet, two of them were new last year and I moved the oldest one last year. I'll see how they go this year. 👍👍