Papaver somniferum
Early Summer 2022
Early Summer 2017

Very nice of these guys to plant themselves into this bare patch ☺️.


Me too! @gjones

Very nice Dave thoughtful of them :)

Very nice indeed 💕💗💕

Oh my heart, soo pretty #wishlist

Fabulous 💜💜💜

Will you collect some seeds this time? I ask because I'm not sure when to harvest the seeds from mine🤔🤔🤔

Yes I will Dar @SikoMa , I introduced these into the garden from seeds I took from my previous garden, they now just self seed themselves too, I usually take the seeds once the pod has gone brown and you can hear them rattling inside 😊.

Thank you for the #tip Dave. I know what I'm doin tomorrow😁. This was my first year with poppies.
I love poppies and these are gorgeous, I never seem to get much luck with them, probably doing something wrong
Late Spring 2017

Very nice of this to self seed itself into the garden 😊.

Just lovely 💗