Kalanchoe pinnata
Kalanchoe 'Pinnata'
Early Winter 2022
- 18
Late Autumn 2021
- 2
Late Autumn 2021
- 4
Early Autumn 2021
- 5
Early Summer 2021
- 1
Early Summer 2021
- 3
Late Winter 2021
- 2
Mid Winter 2021
- 1
Late Autumn 2020
- 4

Kalanchoe pinnata
Early Winter 2022
Late Autumn 2021

@gjones Here is the full plant. Not the prettiest as it has become top heavy and tends to fall when it gets windy. This will be its first time flowering😃

Wow, that's huge💚👍
Late Autumn 2021

I've been so busy lately that I didn't realize my Kalanchoe is starting to flower. It has to be almost 7 feet tall😃 #kalanchoepinnata #kalanchoe

Wow, that's fantastic 👍

@crabby58 Thanks Thelma. I originally found these growing wild outside of my local post office. I took a few and they have gotten huge😃

@gjones The flower buds are just starting. I will try and post a full photo of this giant😃
Early Autumn 2021

Taking a rest on a Kalanchoe leaf😃 #wildlifewednesday #whitepeacockbutterfly


Thank you for the tag Eileen @emch

@gjones Thanks so much😃

Beautiful 👌
Early Summer 2021

Growing babies around the large leaves🌿 #kalanchoepinnata
Early Summer 2021

#wildlifewednesday #kalanchoepinnata #anole #lizard


He is a cutie 🤎
Late Winter 2021

No blooms yet but I'm loving the foliage on this Kalanchoe🌿 #kalanchoepinnata

Beauty!! I was just looking this one up last night, coincidentally. I love the geometric growth pattern. I think I need one! 😅
Mid Winter 2021

Getting big fast🌿
Late Autumn 2020

Help me identify this plant PlantID These grow wild by my local post office🌞🌿🌱

Cathedral Bells? (Kalanchoe pinnata)

@savannahssucculentgarden That is the closest I have seen👀 Thanks😃There are hundreds of them growing🌱

Lovely. I had no idea they were called cathedral bells, but it makes sense. Kyle &Savannah, I'll tag you both so you can see the flowers @savannahssucculentgarden
@treefrog44 They have started to open up these drooping red blooms. This is its first time flowering😃
Awesome! 🥰 Thank you!
@treefrog44 you're very welcome😃
Very pretty. 👍😍
Just scrolled back, I don't have any but I didn't realize they could get sooo tall
Awesome Kyle. I have some of these too. Amazing plant. 👍
@gjones They are about 3 inches long😃
@hkyfvr Thank you Diane😃
@lesliecole49 I didn't either. It's so tall that it falls over whenever we have some wind😄
@philstalder Thanks Phil😃
Very welcome Kyle 😄
I just looked at you previous pic - I didn’t realise they got so tall! And I’m innocently trying to grow this on a tiny window ledge 😆 - flowers look great though!