Impatiens niamniamensis
Parrot Plant
Mid Summer 2017
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Mid Summer 2017
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Mid Summer 2017
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Early Summer 2017
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Mid Summer 2017
- 7
Mid Summer 2017
- 7
Mid Summer 2017
- 2
Mid Summer 2017
- 1
Late Spring 2017
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Late Spring 2017
- 1
Late Spring 2017
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Impatiens niamniamensis
Mid Summer 2017
Mid Summer 2017
3 weeks since I started propagating my impatiens niamniamensis (congo cockatoo) Rooted this one in water and it rooted so quickly but came home from work one day to find them covered in algae so had to chop most of the roots off and put it into soil. Is alot smaller then the ones I rooted straight to soil #impatiens #niamniamensis #impatiensniamniamensis #congocockatoo #parrotimpatiens #balsaminaceae #parrotplant #parrotsbeak #propagation #waterpropogation #propagate #plantlets
Mid Summer 2017
3 weeks since I started propagating my impatiens niamniamensis (congo cockatoo) These 2 were rooted straight into soil and have grown so fast! #impatiens #niamniamensis #impatiensniamniamensis #congocockatoo #parrotimpatiens #balsaminaceae #parrotplant #parrotsbeak #propagation #propagate #plantlets
Early Summer 2017
1 week into propagating my impatiens niamniamensis #impatiens #niamniamensis #impatiensniamniamensis #congocockatoo #parrotimpatiens #balsaminaceae #parrotplant #parrotsbeak #propagation
Mid Summer 2017
Please help me identify (not the actual plant) this unusual looking flower/pod! Is it a seed pod? There are 3 of them growing and they look different from the flowers, the plant has been under alot of stress recently as well. What could it be? #impatiens #niamniamensis #impatiensniamniamensis #congocockatoo #parrotimpatiens #balsaminaceae #parrotplant #parrotsbeak #seed #seed-advice #seedpod #advice #help

Firstly...welcome to g'tags Rachel 😁 and whoopee another succulentholic 👏👏 secondly... how beautiful is that plant!! Wow very exotic looking isn't it 😍😍 on my ever increasing wish list 😂 I believe those are the flowers or flower bracts I found a pic on Google I'll tag you! 😁 @Coxone
@cazz47 thanks for helping, but this particular pod/flower looks completely different from the rest of the flowers!
Its like a claw shape

Tbh it looks like 2 parrots kissing! Maybe you have a male n female flower?
It is a beautiful plant, so so easy to propagate aswell, I chopped 3 cuttings - 1 stem which I rooted in water, also chopped the tops off two of the stems with fresh leaf growth and rooted them in soil. All have been incredibly successful and have grown so fast! Will post some pics x
@bethmiller have you ever seen these on yours?
Mid Summer 2017
Please help me identify this! (not the actual plant) this unusual looking flower/pod! Is it a seed pod? There are 3 of them growing and they look different from the flowers, the plant has been under alot of stress recently as well. What could it be? #impatiens #niamniamensis #impatiensniamniamensis #congocockatoo #parrotimpatiens #balsaminaceae #parrotplant #parrotsbeak #seed #seed-advice #seedpod #advice #help #seed-advice
@bethmiller @bindin40 have you ever seen anything like this on your plant?
@lizbiff have you ever seen anything like this on your plant

Interesting, I'll go have a closer look at my plant today and get back to you

The scientific name is Impatiens niamniamensis and looking at google images there is a little flower where the green pods are now on your photo, so I am guessing that they are indeed seed pods. I haven't been able to gain info on the seed collection other than fresh seeds are difficult to obtain, so hopefully you ( and I!) and collect seed from these amazing plants. Mine are also starting to look like yours , so it must be a good sign! Good luck.I will post further info if I find it.

A friend thinks they are young flower buds, so divided opinion! If you do get seeds, do let me know. Thanks This link shows some photos of the seed pods and collection. Good luck! Mine hasn't got seed pods ! Maybe not pollinated :/
Mid Summer 2017
Please help me identify this! Is it a seed pod? There are 3 of them growing and they look different from the flowers, the plant has been under alot of stress recently as well. What could it be? #impatiens #niamniamensis #impatiensniamniamensis #congocockatoo #parrotimpatiens #balsaminaceae #parrotplant #parrotsbeak #seed #seed-advice #seedpod #advice #help
@cazz47 see how different it is? That are 2 more on the plant that look the same
Mid Summer 2017
Please help me identify this! Is it a seed pod? There are 3 of them growing and they look different from the flowers, the plant has been under alot of stress recently as well. What could it be? #impatiens #niamniamensis #impatiensniamniamensis #congocockatoo #parrotimpatiens #balsaminaceae #parrotplant #parrotsbeak #seed #seed-advice #seedpod #advice #help
Late Spring 2017
#impatiensniamniamensis #impatiens #niamniamensis #parrotimpatiens #parrotplant
Late Spring 2017
#impatiens #niamniamensis #impatiensniamniamensis #congocockatoo #parrotimpatiens
Late Spring 2017
Parrot plant! ❤️ #impatiens #niamniamensis #impatiensniamniamensis #congocockatoo #congo #cockatoo #parrotimpatiens #balsaminaceae
3 weeks since I started propagating my impatiens niamniamensis (congo cockatoo) Photo showing comparison of the one rooted in water and the two rooted straight into the soil. Very fast and successful propagation! #impatiens #niamniamensis #impatiensniamniamensis #congocockatoo #parrotimpatiens #balsaminaceae #parrotplant #parrotsbeak #propagation #propagate #plantlets