Euphorbia pulcherrima
Early Winter 2022
- 10
Early Winter 2022
- 10
Late Autumn 2021
- 7
Late Autumn 2021
- 1
Late Autumn 2021
- 5
Late Autumn 2021
- 6
Late Autumn 2021
- 3
Late Autumn 2021
- 1
Mid Autumn 2021
- 8
Mid Autumn 2021
- 3
Mid Autumn 2021
- 2
Late Summer 2021
- 6
Mid Summer 2021
- 4
Late Spring 2021
- 5
Mid Spring 2021
- 13
Mid Autumn 2020
- 6

Euphorbia pulcherrima
Early Winter 2022
Early Winter 2022

Happy #succulentsunday ❤💚 my #pointsettia still going strong😍 1.2.22

Oh sorry to hear that, Laura, I cut mine back after she starts loosing leaves and she comes back 👍💚 @columbiariver

I can understand that one😊Laura @columbiariver

Cut it back and treat it like a house plant😊took me several tries and several plants to get them to rebloom @columbiariver

Thanks a bunch😍 @gjones

That’s gorgeous Thelma 🤩

Thank you 😃 Phil, Happy New Year 🎉 @philstalder

I wish mine was Thelma , dropping leaves everywhere 😱

Air too warm or too dry..may be🤔 @juliesgarden

Possibly , I’ve moved it now 🤞
Late Autumn 2021
Late Autumn 2021

My #reallyred #pointsettia ❤12.13.21
Late Autumn 2021

My #pointsettia enjoying the afternoon sun happy #succulentsunday😍 12.12.21

Thank you😘 she's happy❤💚 @gjones

It's so pretty💚❤

Beautiful … mine is still alive !! 🙌❤️

Yay 🙌 that's great to hear😍
Late Autumn 2021

My #pointsettia is out of the closet for good to enjoy a #festivefoilage❤💚 #bestofnovember 11.30.21

Thank you, Ladies👍 @gjones @columbiariver

By .. shame I always kill them 😏

The flowers look beautiful. I think it is amazing that you got them to bloom again so perfectly ❤️❤️❤️

Thank you😍 @hkyfvr

Most welcome ❤️
Late Autumn 2021
Late Autumn 2021

#macro my pretty #pointsettia-red is pert near ready for Christmas 🎄😃 11.27.21
Mid Autumn 2021

My 5 year old #pointsettia 💚❤ #foliagefriday @belindah 11.19.21

She looks fantastic 😍 @crabby58

Thank you😃 @alysha I'm happy to have kept her alive this long😍

Thank you @gjones appreciate your kind words😘

Looks lovely and healthy👍👍👍

Thank you @belindah yours looks lovely also👍

Incredible 👏🏻 looking fantastic, wow 😍😍😍

Much appreciated 😊 @kez001uk
Mid Autumn 2021

My #pointsettia-red #upclose is getting ready for the holidays💚❤ 11.4.21

Nice changes in one week. #update

Yes, she seems to be turning much redder❤looking forward to leaving her out, in about another month👍 @novicegardenlover
Mid Autumn 2021

Happy to see my #pointsettia-red. Is starting to turn, after a month of putting her in the closet for 16 hours of darkness and bringing her out for 8 hours of sun light. Another month and she should be all red 🤞🤞 just in time for Christmas 😃 10.28.21

Thank you @gjones I think she's liking the extra attention🤣
Late Summer 2021

Loving how my 4 year old 😃 #pointsettia-red 😍 Has bounced back after I cut her way down❤❤ #foliagefriday 9.3.21

Looks pretty darn good!

I’ve got one from last Christmas which is a miracle for me 😆

She was a gift from my hubby 💘 4 Christmases ago. Pretty neat, I'm able to keep her alive for this long🥰 @wagsmomthomsonbtinternetcom

Thank you 😃 @lesliecole49 guess I'm doing something right🤣👍

I'd say so
Mid Summer 2021

#foliagefriday my #pointsettia I cut back to 6" has bounced back and growing beautifully, my hubby got this 4 years ago for me at xmas🥰 8.6.21

Wow!!! That must be some kind of record! I can’t even get them to last much longer than one year.

Thank you😅 it's a record for me👍 @cheriej

I thought I was loosing her, until I cut her all the way back👍so happy she recovered @gjones
Late Spring 2021

I cut my 4 yr old #poinsettia down to about 6" and repotted, happy to see #newgrowth #newleaves 👍 I think she might make a come back😍🤞🤞

Wow .. I can’t even keep one alive over Xmas!!😂👏🏻

@crabby58 im happy for you hell yeah doing great 😊

Thank you 😁 @juliesgarden she has special meaning to me, I really hope she makes it💗

Thanks so much 😃 @hannahchristine
Mid Spring 2021

On the right~before and On the left~after trimmed and repotting my #poinsettia ❤ hope I cut back enough and she grows now👍 4.21.21

Good luck 🤞

Thank you🤞I've had her for 4 years😍 @julesgarden

Should be just fine, you never know with plants

Looks good. You may have got it backwards. On the right looks after trimmed. 🤪 Either way is great 😍

I have one too which I got last Christmas and I'm not sure if its completely happy as the leaves are falling off...I've googled as much info as I can and am now hoping i can save it!🙏

Apparently they don't like sudden changes in temp if for example it's near a window that is sometimes opened.

Silly me 🤣🤣you're right Diane @hkyfvr that's what I meant 😁thank you

Thank you @belindah what are you doing for yours☺ mine lost nearly all of its leaves too, hoping repotting will help👍with miracle grow

Was just kidding with you. Hope the plant improves for you. They can go into dormancy and need special care at that time. It is early for that I think. 👍❤️

More than ok Diane🙃my thinking got ahead of my typing🙉yes, I've been reading up on poinsettia care as to how to get them to grow new leaves..seems humidity helps a lot so I will try the same treatment as our African Violets-setting them on pebbles with water gives them humidity☺👍🤞🤞 @hkyfvr

I also repotted mine ...into a slightly larger pot. I’ve moved it to a windowsill where the window isn’t opened very often. I also heard they like humidity so I’m going to try sitting it on wet pebbles and I also have a fine water spray. I really don’t want to give up with this the past, I admit I’ve ended up throwing it on the compost heap soon after Christmas but I’m going to really try to find out how to help this one to thrive. They’re quite tricky it seems.
Mid Autumn 2020

#newgrowth ❤ 8 hours out in the sun light and 16 hours in the dark closet. Hopefully will turn red by Christmas 👍#mypoinsettia

Can't keep a poinsettia year after year.

Wait... this is from last year? You’re my hero! 🤯

This little beauty is 3 years old 😃👍❤ @yogi2 @fearlessthereforepowerful

@crabby58 can you come here and have a nice conversation with my #patchouli cuttings? #obiwan

Just give her some love💘and keep her happy 💘 and in return she will love 💘 you back 😃 true in all aspects @fearlessthereforepowerful
Happy #succulentsunday #pointsettia-red ❤ #stilllookinggood 1.16.22
Mine does not look like that 😂..beautiful ❤️
What does yours look like😊 @juliesgarden
Thanks a bunch😊 @gjones
It really looks fantastic Thelma. So healthy and full. ❤️💚❤️
Thank you, Diane, I have such good luck with this one, it is 5 yrs old🥰 @hkyfvr
Just about had it Thelma 😢
Wow! That looks very happy 😊 - the most I managed to keep one was three years but I couldn’t get it to recolour.
I put this one in dark closet 16 hours starting in October and take out put in bright window for 8 hours, then back in dark closet for 16hrs Dizzy💫😅every day till December, and they turn red❤😍 @richard.spicer.7906
I will try that when i get another one! 👍🏼