Hosta 'Big Daddy'
Plantain Lily 'Big Daddy'
- Late Spring 2021
- 18
- 1
- Late Spring 2021
- 18
- 2
- Mid Spring 2021
- 21
- 4
- Mid Spring 2021
- 17
- 7
- Mid Spring 2021
- 14
- 2
- Mid Spring 2021
- 17
- 4
Hosta 'Big Daddy'
- Late Spring 2021
- 18
- Late Spring 2021
- 18
- Mid Spring 2021
- 21
- Mid Spring 2021
- 17
#hostachallenge. These are huge picture doesn't do it justice😁👍💚💚 #hosta
Mind boggling 😳💚
Wow. Those are lovely. So many. 💚💚
They just keep growing and growing😃💚👍 @jacaranda @hkyfvr
Wow. They look great. My last one has not opened yet. It will not look too good as the bunnies have chewed the leaves as they were sprouting. I forgot what they looked like. 💚
Those darn bunnies, they love to eat anything, post them just the same💚😃 @hkyfvr
I will thanks Thelma 💚 @crabby58
- Mid Spring 2021
- 17
#hostachallenge #unfurling 💚
Looks awesome. So nice to see them growing. Have not checked on mine as it has been raining for days. Best of luck in the challenge 👍😍
I bet with all your rain, your hosta are growing nicely🤗we are supposed to get rain till Thursday @hkyfvr
They are growing well and we are getting rain till at least then too. Then cooler but sunny. The sun lifts my spirits so looking forward to it 🌟🌟
Big-n-Bold #hostachallenge 💚