Buxus sempervirens
Late Summer 2020
Late Summer 2020

Repotted and wired #bonsai #boxbonsai #wiring #repot @sinukarta

nice job!! i think cause the trunk is little bit small, you can bend little bit (but be careful) 😁 .. as you wish.. and i think you can extend with bigger pot in the bottom, just put together with this ceramic pot, it will be grow faster. And after you get proper trunk size you can divide the bigger pot and ceramic pot again.. good luck!!

@sinukarta Thank you for the advice Dyan. I am not sure what you mean about the pot. Keep in this pot and put inside another larger pot? 🤔 . Thank you as always!

yap Craig @craigh7 there is two ways to extend; if we already put on the ceramic bonsai, first you can put this pot inside another larger pot for example https://youtu.be/GydLM0ulD84 (watch on 28:00min). And one more things is put hard plastic on around top of this pot and add some medias around it, for example watch this https://youtu.be/jjOKZa5EafI (I'm sorry its Indonesian language, please ignore the language) 😅. Happy bonsai!

Ah! I haven't seen this method before, Dyan. Thank you as always for your input and advice.

you're welcome Craig
Not technically a bonsai but my favourite tree in our garden. Love the trunk! Stands out so much when it's pruned like a tree.
Love the shape of this...I can see what you mean 😍
Thanks Angela! We actually had another one on the other side of the garden destroyed by the builders last year with their digger! Was gutted as I could have removed it and potted it up as a bonsai.