Echeveria Blue Waves
Late Autumn 2022
Mid Summer 2020

Summer hues are in. Stressing g a little over the heat and that fact that it is flowering and it is also preggers of 2 pups tucked in underneath her skirts. 😂 #succulent #echeveriabluewaves #succulentlove #urbangardening #plantmakespeoplehappy #crazyplantlady #cherrysgarden

I always wonder how it got this name because it looks distinctly mahogany to me...
Echeveria Blue Wave are stunning succulents. Warmer weather the colors are blue then when it’s cold the color switch to this color. #echeveria-blue-waves #echeveria-bluewaves #succulent
Beautiful color! 😍
Amazing plant 😍😍
@hkyfvr @columbiariver @treefrog44 thank you guys 💕
Very welcome 😍