Calycanthus x raulstonii 'Hartlage Wine' syn. Sinocalycanthus raulstonii 'Hartlage Wine'
Sweetshrub 'Hartlage Wine'
Mid Spring 2020
- 5
Mid Spring 2019
- 15

Calycanthus x raulstonii 'Hartlage Wine' syn. Sinocalycanthus raulstonii 'Hartlage Wine'
Mid Spring 2020
Mid Spring 2019

Happy Sunday people! Really happy my #sweetshrub has flowered again, she skipped a year after the move, but she looks back on track now! #merlot #red #shrub #foilage #green #lush #may #bestofmay ❤️

Really lovely flowers have a great Sunday Dan🤗

Gorgeous aren’t they Enid! Enjoy you day too x @godfreye

Morning Dan that colour 💖.... we got rain ☔️!!! 👍


Yay Julie! Bright sunshine here today, after tonnes of rain, but it is freeeeeezing! Have a good Sunday 😘 @juliesgarden

I have this too and it’s one of my fave plants in the garden 👍🏼

All it does is make me think of a nice glass of red Justin 😂 gorgeous isn’t it! ❤️ @justin

Moved my daughters as they moved house. It has put on leaves but no flowers. Happy that it has survived

Cheers 🍷 🤣

Mine done exactly the same Joan, skipped a year of flowering, gave it plenty of 💩 through the winter. It will come back! @joanboston

Thanks Dan
❤️❤️❤️ #sweetshrub #red #shrub #bestofmay #calycanthus
Morning Dan ..gorgeous 🌸🌸
Morning Julie ❤️ @juliesgarden
Another day in paradise,well the garden anyway.
That’s lovely 💗💗💗