Gunnera manicata
Giant Rhubarb
Early Spring 2024
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Early Spring 2024
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Early Spring 2023
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Early Summer 2020
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Early Summer 2020
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Mid Spring 2020
- 13
Mid Spring 2020
- 4
Mid Spring 2020
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Mid Winter 2020
- 7
Late Summer 2019
- 4
Mid Summer 2019
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Mid Summer 2019
- 4
Early Summer 2019
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Early Summer 2019
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Early Summer 2019
- 10
Late Spring 2019
- 5
Late Spring 2019
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Late Spring 2019
- 5
Mid Spring 2019
- 0
Mid Spring 2019
- 0
Mid Spring 2019
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Early Spring 2019
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Mid Spring 2019
- 3
Early Spring 2019
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Late Winter 2019
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Mid Autumn 2018
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Late Summer 2018
- 1
Mid Summer 2018
- 10
Mid Summer 2018
- 6
Early Summer 2018
- 4
Early Summer 2018
- 5
Late Spring 2018
- 2
Late Spring 2018
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Late Spring 2018
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Late Spring 2018
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Mid Spring 2018
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Early Spring 2018
- 5
Late Summer 2017
- 2
Mid Summer 2017
- 4
Early Summer 2017
- 4
Late Spring 2017
- 12
Late Spring 2016
- 3
Late Spring 2016
- 2

Gunnera manicata
Early Spring 2024
Early Spring 2024

Gerald still undercover when it's cold, but growing brilliantly.
Early Spring 2023

#newaddition today, as my last one became a victim of the savage frosts 😭😭😭 this one looks like a beauty.

Looks healthy enough, just don’t put it out until there’s no more frost…..

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom the nursery lady gave me the same advice Elaine. So it's in the living room with me and Frank 😁

Oh that’s ok then…..😆👍🏼

At first glance I thought this was a Voodoo lily!
Early Summer 2020

Catching the rain. #foliagefriday
Early Summer 2020

Coming along now.

Shame you can't make me a crumble out of it !!

@charlotte sainsbury's Charlotte, i got one today 😋

Wonderful garden. Clever use of cold climate tropical plants. Love the Gunnera manicata; love Frank too. 🦜🦜

@Annettenoosa thanks annette. I do like big leafy plants.
Mid Spring 2020

Can anyone give me some advice please. Ive just counted 16 leaves on my gunnera. If i removed a few, would this result in the others getting bigger 🤔 @hayleyaj @porto

It’s still early Dave, the leaves will get bigger. But to ensure huge leaves, it will need a much bigger pot. And gallons of water! 😁👍🏻

I agree, bigger pot and lots of water, but it’s early yet, they will get bigger!

Where I volunteer they have the gunnera in the ground by the pond and the leaves are so big in summer that there is a walk way under them. Could be your next project Dave! 😄

Lol, you might as well put it in a bathtub, Dave!

@lesliecole49 ive got the bath leslie 😂🛀

@hayleyaj @joanboston ive got it in a pot with holes in the side, and then sat in a half oak barrel of water, so its always sat in a puddle. I was just wondering if i lost a few leaves the others would get bigger, im aware its still got a lot of growing to do, but just trying to get the best out of the small space its got.

No I don’t think so Dave as looking at the crown, it’s got lots to give! I have 3 crowns on mine, so could make 3 more plants. I had a leaf that was 3ft wide last year in the same pot. So give it time 😄

Depending how big you want your leaves? As @hayleyaj stated the bigger the water tight pot the bigger the plant. Not sure but removing leaves will make it bigger? Good big healthy will depend on pot size and plenty of water! Very important! 😉

@porto thanks david. It did well last year, but seems to be gaining leaves each year.maybe ill get a bigger tub next year.

I've the same size pot as you give or take, only because I want it a certain size. But I do feed mine every weekend in growth season & it looks lush 👌😏

Ours is planted on the edge of the stream so it’s getting mahosive because of plenty of water, I don’t think removing the leaves will make a difference just space and water..
Mid Spring 2020

Wow, impressive

@solly1961 its only small at the moment mark. Another month and it'll look different 🤗
Mid Spring 2020
Mid Winter 2020

#newgrowth not the nicest, this time of year 😒 fascinating though.

Can’t wait to see the giant crumble.....😋

I'll make the custard Dave @wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom 😍👍

Hmmm, maybe I should go check my rubarb...

@lesliecole49 ive just uncovered it leslie, its had all the old leaves over it 🤗

@pelly good lass I’m rubbish at making it...😉😆

Mines mulched pretty well too
Late Summer 2019

My gunnera has been struggling since i lifted the pot out of the ground, it seemed to dry out really quickly. So sat it in a half barrel full of water in its pot, to see if it likes that 🤔

Feet in water Dave. Mine sits in a large tray that’s constantly full 😊

They need lots of water Dave, it’s a real bog plant

@joanboston its got plenty now joan. Almost as much as if id sat it in my pond 😂 it was ok when the pot was buried in the ground, but dried out a lot quicker when i ljfted it.
Mid Summer 2019

Desperately trying to find a space for my #gunnera around the new pond. Thank god its in a pot.
Mid Summer 2019

Morning all. Another miserable day here 🌧 these must be one of the best equipped plants going, for catching the rain 🌧🌧🌧

Really love plants with large leaves this looks fab

Wow 😲 impressive 👍🏼

Fantastic 💚 who needs a water butt 🤣
Early Summer 2019

Good god look at the size of the chair next to the leaf......😲
Early Summer 2019

Still growing
Early Summer 2019

Id love to take this out of the tub.

Can you eat it..

At least this way you can take it with you when you move

I’ve been thinking the same about mine Dave 🤔

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom if your really hungry elaine. Youd need a big tub of custard though 😂

@hayleyaj you try first hayley 😯

😂😂😂 I’d have to dig out a bed just for it! They do take over. So for stays in a pot! But has done brilliantly this year as has yours too 😁

@hayleyaj i love it when people come round who dont garden. They see it, and say, what the bloody hell is that 😂🍀

I know! It’s prehistoric looking! Fab specimen plant 😁
Late Spring 2019


It will be loving all this rain. I love the way they channel the water down the leaves into the centre

@joanboston there like big hands joan, catching it all. 🤲🤲🤲

What a whopper 😲 💚

@columbiariver thats a shame laura, you had it really cold though didnt you ?
Late Spring 2019

Gunnera enjoying the rain .
Late Spring 2019

🤔🤔🤔 not sure I want that in my crumble

Gunnera is really shelter under in a summer rain storm. It's amazing how dry you can stay under it.

@charlotte you could put it in one of your curries Charlotte 😋

@lydiastirling its not quite big enough yet lydia. Maybe next year 😂

It will get there if it has space to 😊
Mid Spring 2019
Mid Spring 2019
Mid Spring 2019

Ive got 4 of these, do you call them flowers? On my gunnera this year.

Get well soon....😷👍🏼
Early Spring 2019

Is this its first flower,y thing 🤔

Can't wait to see it!
Mid Spring 2019

Growing fast 🤗

Mine too! 😁

Just wait till the leaves are six foot across 😂
Early Spring 2019

#foliagefriday on the up 🤗
Late Winter 2019

#newgrowth hard to believe how quick these grow.
Mid Autumn 2018

Considering their such big bold plants in the summer, their proper whimps when it gets cold 😂
Late Summer 2018

Loving the rain
Late Summer 2018

#green grown well this year.
Mid Summer 2018

In its 2nd year. They said it would grow 😂 @hayleyaj

That's why I put my baby in a pot Dave as don't have room for it to go that mad! Yours looks fab though 😍

Still a baby😂

@hayleyaj mines in a pot as well 😂

@joanboston my wife said if she cant see out of the kitchen window joan, its got to go 😟

You’ll miss it Dave😐

😂😂😂 mine has 2ft leaves but as I said a late starter this year. Yours is fab 😍

Is that your wife in the kitchen window in the photo? 😂😂

@bluefox23 I think it might be Alison. Keeping an eye on it 🙄

Mid Summer 2018

Getting bigger by the day 🤗

Dave did you know your trowel was it that leaf......😝

@wagsmomthompsonbtinternetcom 😜

😂😂😂 I thought the comment would be something about having lost your garden tool 👍

@ublaszko I put my trowel in to try and show the size of the leaf urszula. Every time I take a picture of it, it doesn't really justify how quickly its growing 😂 I should be able to sit frank in it, in a couple more weeks 😀

I see gunnera all summer long when I walk through Newcastle University gardens. They're huge! 😲😲 Absolutely love it. Especially with other dramatic plants like t-rex, globe artichoke or American redbud. The biggest leaves I have in my garden is fatsia japonica 😉 Looks pretty big in my tiny garden 😂😂
Early Summer 2018

😮🤔😳🤗 these things dont half grow quick 😁

Mines really suffering in the heat, however much I water it !

Let me know when the crumble is ready

@lisa868 the leaves were almost flat on wednesday afternoon when i got home, so gave it a good soaking and it had perked up by night time. I didnt put any drainage holes in the tub its in, so i think that helps .
Early Summer 2018

Difficult to show how big this is getting 😮

I'm in awe of how perfectly round your allium is! 😁

Dave your brave!! Those things get bloody massive dont they! I planted mine in a big pot as i was scared it might swallow up my garden?!!! .... can we get some new Frank pics too?

@manny1 its growing like mad jo. It only had 3 leaves last summer when i got it. Its got 14 this year and more coming 😂. Ill put a few of frank up and tag you in them, so you dont miss him 😉

Yey! Thanks Dave, Frank really brightens the day up!
Late Spring 2018

Must be getting towards 5 ft wide now. Not bad for a two leaved plant for 8 quid last summer 🤗

Giant crumble for tea.....🥄😋
Late Spring 2018

In its 2nd year now. It had 3 leaves on it when i got it last summer. 14 now, and going strong.

It’s doing well looking good🤗
Late Spring 2018

Lots going on with the gunnera 🤗

Love it. Still trying to find a space for one for my garden 😂

@tmwignall i think ill be trying to find a bigger space for mine shortly 😂
Late Spring 2018

From august last year to this morning. A mixture of feeling excited and concerned 😂 think its going to be considerably bigger than last year.

I think you may be moving a few plants Dave 🤔😂

Each leaf can reach six feet across, even in a bucket! Ours in a previous garden only ever got to four feet😂

@joanboston i can only hope its like yours joan 🤣🤣 great plant though 🤗
Mid Spring 2018

Getting bigger by the day.

I'd love some in my garden Dave,such a fab statement plant 💚💚💚

@daisy-jane can you not find a space jane ? I put mine in a tub to try and contain it a bit. My wife says it can stay, until she cant see out of the kitchen window 😂 then its got to go 😢

I'm sure I'd get one in Dave 😁 and I hear low lighting in the kitchen is the new thing now 🙄 that'd be my excuse anyway 😂😂
Early Spring 2018

Just starting back to life 🤗

The crown on mine was like mush when I uncovered it 😊hoping it's comes back 🤞🏼

This was a couple of weeks ago Hayley, it's come on great the last couple of days. Hopefully it will carry on now, @hayleyaj

Mine was mushy too @hayleyaj but it’s all come to life in the last few days since the suns come out 😁

I'm not giving up on it yet Lisa! 😁🤞🏼 @lisa868
Late Summer 2017

I think I'm going to need a bigger tub 😮

Oh fab I'd love one of these plants 💚💚💚
Mid Summer 2017

Gunnera seems to be enjoying the rain. It's about trebled in size in 6 weeks 😮

Wait till it really gets going!

@joanboston 😲

Mind your pot is a bit small so it may not get so big😂
Early Summer 2017

New growth on the gunnera after 1 week.

Are you going to keep it in the pot ? Because the leaves can measure 6ft or will restricting the roots in the pot keep the plant smaller ? Always wanted one ☺

@tmwignall yes I've left it in the pot purposely to try and restrict it a bit. My wife says if she can't see out of the kitchen window it's going.😂. I'm a bit like you , I've just always wanted one 🤗

Let me know if it works and I might be able to smuggle one into my garden 😃
Late Spring 2017

Morning all, although waking up to a serious dose of man flue , I've got a big smile on my face as I've now hit 200 followers on this brilliant app.have a great weekend everyone 🌴

Ah glad you were cheered up! Well done and feel better soon! 👍🏼

Oh no man flu 😱🤧that could last weeks or a couple of days 😉 well done on your 200 followers 👌🏻👌🏻

@nessas it's really bad vanessa I haven't even had my nightly glass of chardonnay 😣

Morning Dave Congratulations of your 200 followers. Hope you feel better soon 😷

Oh no 🤦🏼♀️now that's serious 🤧😷 😉 hope your feeling better soon 😊

Morning Dave great way to start the day I agree great app 👍🙋

Morning Dave congrats on the 200 followers hope you recover from your serious case on man flu soon 😊👍

Congrats on the 200 Dave. Get well soon. 😊

Well done 👍👏 get well soon 😊

👏 Drink those fluids and feel better

Well done 😀👍🏼
Late Spring 2016

I hope that's not a snail made that hole !!!


Late Spring 2016

Possibly the largest gunnera I think I've seen. In Pwllheli, North Wales .
#newgrowth Gerald doing well, frost protection close to hand though.#newgrowth
#bestofmarch #texture galore!!!